Parma, Italy
December 14, 2006
Opinion of the GMO Panel related
on on an application (Reference EFSA GMO UK 2004 08) for the
placing on the market of products produced from glyphosate
tolerant genetically modified sugar beet H7-1, for food and feed
uses, under Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003 from KWS SAAT AG and
This document provides an opinion of the Scientific Panel on
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO Panel) of
the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on products produced from genetically
modified sugar beet H7-1 (Unique Identifier KM-ØØØ71-4),
developed to provide tolerance to glyphosate-containing
herbicides. The scope of this application is for food produced
from or containing ingredients produced from sugar beet H7-1 and
feed produced from sugar beet H7-1. These products are for
example sugar, syrup, dried pulp and molasses.
In delivering its opinion the GMO Panel considered the
application (Reference EFSA-GMO-UK-2004-08), additional
information provided by the applicant (KWS SAAT AG and Monsanto
Company) and scientific comments submitted by the Member States.
The sugar beet H7-1 was assessed with reference to its intended
use and the risk assessment principles described in the Guidance
document of the Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified
Organisms for the Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Plants
and Derived Food and Feed. The scientific assessment included a
molecular characterisation of the inserted DNA present in sugar
beet H7-1 and of the insertion site. The nature and safety of
the newly expressed protein in the genetically modified plants
was assessed with respect to toxicology and allergenicity.
Furthermore, a comparative analysis of agronomic traits and
composition was undertaken and the safety of the whole food/feed
was evaluated.
The sugar beet H7-1 was developed for glyphosate tolerance by
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated introduction of the gene cp4
epsps, isolated from the soil bacterium Agrobacterium sp. CP4,
into the sugar beet. The inserted gene encodes a
5‑enolpyruvylshikimate‑3‑phosphate synthase protein (CP4 EPSPS)
that, in contrast to the plant’s own EPSPS protein, is
insensitive to glyphosate-containing herbicides and, therefore,
can continue synthesizing aromatic amino acids also in the
presence of these herbicides.
Molecular characterisation of the DNA insert showed that sugar
beet H7-1 contains one copy of the expected insert and that this
is present at a single locus in the nuclear genome of the
genetically modified plant. The DNA sequence of the insert and
the flanking sequences were provided. The four mismatches
observed in the insert sequence have no influence on the CP4
EPSPS protein. Bioinformatic analysis showed that potential
fusion proteins would have no homology to known toxins or
Sugar beet H7-1 was found to contain the CP4 EPSPS protein
associated with the new trait of glyphosate tolerance. Besides
this deliberate change, this sugar beet showed no marked
alterations in composition, agronomy and phenotype compared with
the control lines and reference lines. The GMO Panel therefore
concludes that sugar beet H7-1 is compositionally and
phenotypically equivalent to non‑genetically modified sugar
beet, except for the trait that has been introduced.
A 90‑day sub‑chronic rodent study with processed pulp from sugar
beet H7-1 indicated that there are no adverse effects from the
consumption of products produced from sugar beet H7-1.
A feeding study conducted on sheep with sugar beet H7-1 showed
no adverse effects. The GMO Panel considers that the nutritional
properties of products produced from this GM sugar beet would be
no different from those of conventional sugar beet. The GMO
Panel has, therefore, not identified any issue requiring
post-market monitoring of sugar beet.
Since the scope only covers food produced from or containing
ingredients produced from sugar beet H7-1 and feed produced from
sugar beet H7-1, an environmental monitoring plan is not
In conclusion, the GMO Panel considers that the information
available for sugar beet H7-1 addresses the outstanding
questions raised by the Member States and considers that
products produced from sugar beet H7-1 are unlikely to have any
adverse effect on human and animal health or the environment in
the context of its intended uses.
Opinion adopted on 5 December 2006
Table of Member States comments