Understanding nitrogen metabolism is of critical importance
to crop management, as nitrogen availability is one of the
major factors limiting crop growth and yield. All of the
nitrogen in a plant, whether derived initially from nitrate,
nitrogen fixation, or ammonium ions, is converted to
ammonia, which is rapidly incorporated into organic
compounds through a number of metabolic pathways beginning
with the activity of the enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS),
which catalyzes formation of the amino acid glutamine from
ammonia and glutamic acid. An individual nitrogen atom may
pass many times through the GS reaction, following uptake
from the soil, assimilation, remobilization, and delivery to
growing roots and leaves, and ultimately, deposition in seed
as storage proteins. Thus GS is likely to be a major
check-point controlling plant growth and crop productivity.
research reported in The Plant Cell, scientists Antoine
Martin and Bertrand Hirel from the
National Institute of Agronomic
Research (INRA) in Versailles, France, together with
colleagues from institutions in the U.K., Spain, and Japan,
present new information on the roles of two forms
(isoenzymes) of cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS) in
maize, which underscores the importance of this enzyme and
nitrogen metabolism in cereal crop productivity. Improving
nitrogen use efficiency of crop plants, i.e. reducing the
amount of costly nitrogen fertilizer inputs that farmers
need to apply to crops while at the same time maintaining
and even improving yields, is an important goal in crop
research. As noted by Dr. Hirel, “a more complete
understanding of the roles of GS enzymes in nitrogen
metabolism and grain yield in maize and other crop plants
(including rice, wheat and barley) may lead to improvements
in fertilizer usage and crop yield, thus mitigating the
detrimental effects of the overuse of fertilizers on the
The roles
of these two GS isoenzymes, products of the Gln1-3 and
Gln1-4 genes, were investigated by examining the impact of
knock-out mutations on kernel yield. GS gene expression was
impaired in the mutants, resulting in reduced levels of GS1
protein and activity. The gln1-4 phenotype displayed reduced
kernel size whereas gln1-3 had reduced kernel number, and
both phenotypes were evident in the gln1-3 gln1-4 double
mutant. Shoot biomass production at maturity was not
affected in either the single mutants or double mutants,
suggesting that both gene products play a specific role in
grain production. Levels of asparagine increased in the
leaves of the mutants during grain filling, most likely as a
mechanism for circumventing toxic ammonium buildup resulting
from abnormally low GS1 activity. Phloem sap analysis
revealed that, unlike glutamine, asparagine is not
efficiently transported to developing maize kernels, which
could account for the reduced kernel production in the
mutants. Constitutive overexpression of Gln1-3 in maize
leaves resulted in a 30% increase in kernel number relative
to wild type, providing further evidence that GS1 plays a
major role in kernel yield.
Some of
the major cereals, such as maize, sorghum, and sugar cane,
exhibit C4 photosynthesis, which enhances the efficiency of
photosynthesis at high temperature (most C4 plants
originated in tropical climates). In standard C3
photosynthesis (present in rice, wheat, and most temperate
crop plants), CO2 entering the leaf is converted to a
3-carbon compound via the C3 pathway, utilizing energy
derived from the light reactions of photosynthesis. In
plants that have C4 photosynthesis, the C3 pathway enzymes
are localized in specialized “bundle sheath” cells which
surround the vascular tissue in the interior of the leaf.
CO2 entering mesophyll cells at the leaf surface initially
is converted to a 4-carbon compound, which is shuttled into
the bundle sheath cells and then decarboxylated to release
CO¬2. CO2 released into bundle sheath cells then enters the
standard C3 pathway. This CO2-concentrating mechanism allows
plants in a hot and dry climate to take up CO2 at night and
store it, and release it again inside bundle sheath cells
during the day, thus solving the problem of how to maintain
a high concentration of CO2 inside the leaf during the
daylight hours, when stomata often must be kept closed to
prevent water loss. Using cytoimmunochemistry and in situ
hybridization, Martin et al. found that GS1-3 is present in
maize mesophyll cells whereas GS1-4 is specifically
localized in the bundle sheath cells. Thus the two GS1
isoenzymes play non-redundant roles with respect to their
tissue-specific localization, and the activity of both is
required for optimal grain yield. This work illustrates the
close coordination between nitrogen and carbon metabolism in
photosynthetic tissues, and reveals that nitrogen metabolism
plays a critical role in optimizing grain yields.
reported in The Plant Cell reveals important aspects of
plant metabolism associated with grain filling and kernel
yield in maize. The scientific breakthrough of this research
is its indication that two closely related isoforms of the
cytosolic enzyme glutamine synthetase determine two major
and distinct yield components in maize, kernel size and
kernel number. The results point to a dominant role of
nitrogen retranslocation rather than carbon allocation
during grain filling. This work has important implications
for improving nitrogen use efficiency in cereal crops that
could lead to maintaining or even enhancing yields with
reduced fertilizer inputs.
authors of this study are:
Antoine Martina1, Judy Leeb, Thomas Kicheyc, Denise
Gerentesd, Michel Zivye, Christophe Tatoutd, Frédéric
Duboisc, Thierry Balliaue, Benoît Valote, Marlène
Davanturee, Thérèse Tercé-Laforguea, Isabelle Quilleréa,
Marie Coquee, André Gallaise, María-Begoña Gonzalez-Morof,
Linda Bethencourta, Dimah Z. Habashg, Peter J. Leah, Alain
Charcossete, Pascual Perezd, Alain Murigneuxd, Hitoshi
Sakakibarai, Keith J. Edwardsb and Bertrand Hirela,2
aUnité de Nutrition Azotée des Plantes, INRA de Versailles,
Versailles Cedex, France.
bSchool of Biological Sciences, University of Bristol,
Bristol, U.K.
cLaboratoire d’Androgenèse et Biotechnologie, Université de
Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens Cedex, France.
dBiogemma, Campus Universitaire des Cézaux, Aubière, France.
eUnité Mixte de Recherche de Génétique Végétale,
INRA/CNRS/UPS/INAPG, Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France.
fDpto. Biología Vegetal y Ecología, Universidad del País
Vasco, Bilbao, Spain.
gCrop Performance and Improvement Division, Rothamsted
Research, Harpenden, U.K.
hDepartment of Biological Sciences, Lancaster University,
Lancaster, U.K.
iBiodynamics Research Team, Riken Plant Science Center,
Yokohama, Japan.
1 Current
affiliation: Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics.
IBMB-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain.
research paper cited in this report is an OPEN ACCESS
article, available at the following link:
The Plant
Cell (http://www.plantcell.org/)
is published by the American Society of Plant Biologists.
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