El Batán, Mexico
November, 2006
CIMMYT E-News, vol 3 no.
11, November 2006
Evidence from
CIMMYT suggests that maize
landraces in a major farming zone in the southeastern Mexican
state of Chiapas have been replaced by hybrids and other
improved varieties, as a result of state programs to promote
modern, more productive agriculture.
“Maize landraces have virtually disappeared in La Frailesca,”
says research assistant Dagoberto Flores, referring to a large,
commercial farming region in southern Chiapas state,
southeastern Mexico. “In 2000, 90% of the area was sown to
improved open-pollinated maize varieties and landraces; now the
breakdown is probably 90% hybrids, 5% landraces, and 5% OPVs.
The traditional practice of exchanging seed has almost
Flores, who has interviewed hundreds of Mexican farmers in his
23 or so years at CIMMYT, is now assisting PhD student Joost van
Heerwaarden in a detailed study of gene flow among maize
varieties in La Frailesca and several other areas of
southeastern Mexico. The work combines geographic information
system mapping, extensive interviews with farmers about the
maize types they and their neighbors grow, genetic analysis of
seed of those maize types using DNA markers, and intricate
computer models of probable movements of pollen among
neighboring fields.
The purpose? To understand what happens when hybrids or
improved, open-pollinated varieties (OPVs) are introduced into
areas where landraces are grown. “We’re trying to bring some
precision to the discussions on diversity,” says van
Heerwaarden. “You can have diversity—that is, two things that
are different—but to what degree do they differ, and how
significant or useful is the difference? If the diversity
present is the result of thousands of years of farmer selection,
then losing it will be more significant than losing something
brought in more recently.”
CIMMYT has studied maize diversity and farmer seed management
extensively in this region, but both appear to be changing along
with demography, policy, and the economy. La Frailesca furnishes
a sort of “laboratory” where many such changes are occurring
especially fast. Near the mountainous countryside that bred the
Zapatista uprising and a gateway for undocumented immigrants
from Central America, La Frailesca is dominated by cattle and
coffee, but maize provides food and extra income through sale of
grain. Poverty still pervades local communities, and many
working-age men migrate to the USA, often leaving women and the
elderly to tend fields.
Until recently farmers grew mostly locally-bred landrace
varieties, which gave a better grain type for tortillas and
other preferred foods, but relatively low yields. A little more
than a decade ago, many switched to improved, hybrid maize,
through a state-sponsored program that offers seed plus other
inputs (e.g. fertilizer and pesticides) and services (such as
technical advice and crop loss insurance) on credit, to be
repaid at harvest. The use of hybrids varies radically from
season to season. Risk is a significant factor for farmers, says
Flores: “In a good year, it’s worth it to grow the hybrid—the
average profit is 80% more than with a landrace. The problem is
when you have a bad year, like recent ones with hurricanes or
droughts. The investment in seed and other inputs exposes
farmers to potential losses many cannot afford.”
An important factor is that farmers can save and replant OPV
seed—either improved or landrace—without losing yield or other
qualities, whereas with hybrids they must purchase fresh seed
each season to obtain high yields. Landraces are found more
often at higher elevations and among people of indigenous
background. Men and women also differ in the maize types they
prefer, says Flores: “For men yield is important, but women
value quality traits, such as better tortilla-making quality or
requiring less fuel to cook.”
Flores and van Heerwaarden have found that farmers often grow
several different maize types—hybrids, landraces, and improved
OPVs—in their fields, and these may be surrounded by other
varieties or hybrids in neighboring farmers’ fields. There is
probably considerable gene flow among these different types,
according to van Heerwaarden: “Many of the varieties that
farmers call landraces or manage like landraces are actually
recycled improved varieties.”
Van Heerwaarden expects to wrap up his study by January 2007.
Changing circumstances in southeastern Mexico, the relative
unprofitability of maize farming, and the migration of youth
from the region could portend profound changes in maize genetic
diversity in farmers’ fields. In lowland areas, according to
Flores, some farmers have abandoned maize altogether and use
subsidies to underwrite cattle raising. The results of van
Heerwaarden’s research should provide a better idea of the
status of maize diversity and the costs of maintaining it, as
rural inhabitants seek to escape poverty via improved varieties,
diversified agriculture, or alternative livelihoods.
For more information, contact Jonathan Hellin, Poverty
Specialist, (j.hellin@cgiar.org) |