August 31, 2006Source:
CIMMYT E-news vol 3 no 8
Farmers of the
village of Kathaka Kaome in Embu district near Mount Kenya are
saying that quality protein maize (QPM) is as nutritious as
Githeri—a local dish made from maize and beans.
At a farmer field
day on 24 July 2006, Samuel Kinyua Mwitari, the chairperson of
Nthambo Murimi Mwaro (Nthambo’s Best Farmer) Self-help
Group, has turned out in his best pinstripe suit. He stands next
to his plot of maize plants—with husks pulled back revealing
mature, full, healthy cobs—to tell the 180 farmers present all
they need to know about quality protein maize (QPM).
Five other
farmers, including the Group’s Secretary, Susan Njeru, are also
on hand to inform farmers from Kathaka Kaome and neighboring
villages about the new maize and its nutritional benefits.
“Personally, I won’t be planting any other maize!” she declares.
“And I want to advise everybody to plant QPM for the betterment
of their families.”
Embu is among the
first four districts in Kenya’s Central Province to host QPM
promotion trials. The districts lie on the moist upper and dry
lower slopes of Mt. Kenya, where maize is a major dietary
staple. Inhabitants boil whole dry kernels with beans to make
githeri, a popular local dish. But the price of beans
and other pulses has climbed steadily in recent years, and diets
in poorer households are increasingly maize-based. Serious
protein malnutrition is now common in weaning babies, whose
staple is maize porridge.
Quality protein
maize grain contains enhanced levels of the essential amino
acids lysine and tryptophan, along with other characteristics
that make more of its protein useful to humans or farm animals.
It has 90% of the nutritive value of milk, and can stem or
reverse protein malnutrition. Resource-poor farmers who cannot
afford supplements can use QPM in swine or poultry feeds to
increase the animals’ growth and productivity.
The QPM varieties
being promoted—products of 30 years of research involving
CIMMYT maize breeders and
others—are indistinguishable from normal maize in appearance,
and mill and store just as well. Does QPM taste better than
normal maize? At the recent field day in Embu the farmers said
they preferred the taste, texture, and appearance of githeri
made with the QPM.
The Canadian
International Development Agency (CIDA) is supporting the
development and deployment of locally adapted QPM, in a project
led by CIMMYT agronomist
Dennis Friesen. “The Kenya Agricultural Research Institute
has been our main partner in adapting QPM to local environments
and identifying farmer-preferred cultivars,” says Friesen. “We
are also working with the Catholic Relief Services, which has
strong grassroots linkages, the Catholic Diocese of Embu, and
the Kenya Ministry of Agriculture, to promote QPM on the
dissemination work fits the aims of the Catholic Diocese of
Embu, according to CDE chief extension officer, John Namu
Munene: “We at the diocese realize we have a responsibility to
participate in efforts that improve the lives of our people.”
Addressing farmers at the field day, he praised QPM: “Even
without beans, with this maize your githeri is full of
Johnson Irungu,
the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) officer overseeing the
dissemination project, says he is happy with the acceptance of
QPM among farmers, but is quick to add that seed availability
will be critical to sustaining the momentum. The QPM trait is
recessive—meaning that if the maize is planted close to non-QPM
varieties and is fertilized by their pollen, the quality trait
will be lost. Farmers must therefore buy certified QPM seed each
season or avoid sowing nearby or at the same time as
neighboring, non-QPM maize fields. Embu Self-Help Group members
are well-versed in this special requirement and advise fellow
farmers on how to preserve the trait. As Susan Njeru explained
to a group of farmers: “If you want to recycle QPM you have to
harvest the cobs that you will use for seed from the center of
your field, and keep them separate.”
CIMMYT has supported two
local seed companies,
Western Seed Company and
Freshco Ltd, with training in QPM seed production and
quality assurance, essential for sustainability. They are
producing seed of an extra-early, drought-tolerant,
open-pollinated QPM variety and two QPM hybrids for sale
starting in 2007. Both companies sent their representatives
several hundred kilometers to Embu to attend the field day. |