Urbana, Illinois
August 14, 2006
Prices of corn and soybeans
declined sharply following the
USDA's August 11 Crop Production report as speculators
apparently liquidated long positions when the report showed
larger corn production prospects and smaller soybean production
prospects than had been expected, said a
University of Illinois
Extension marketing specialist.
"Corn prices dropped sharply following the report with December
2006 futures trading to a low of $2.3725 in the overnight market
of August 13, fractionally above the contract low established
November 2005. Spot and harvest bids declined to near the
Commodity Credit Corporation loan rate in many markets," said
Darrel Good.
While the soybean production forecast was smaller than expected,
Good noted, spot cash prices dropped to the lowest level of the
marketing year in some areas and November 2006 futures traded
within 20 cents of the contract low established in February
2005. Large old-crop supplies and prospects for the surplus to
continue for another year likely deflated speculative interest
in soybeans, he said.
Good said that the USDA's first forecast of the year placed the
corn crop at 10.976 billion bushels, reflecting a national
average yield of 152.2 bushels. "The forecast was 136 million
bushels smaller than the 2005 crop, but about 150 million larger
than the average pre-report guess. The yield forecast is 4.3
bushels larger than the 2005 average and 8.2 bushels below the
record yield of 2004," he said.
Large year-over-year yield increases are expected in Illinois,
Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, and Ohio, Good said. The Iowa yield
is expected to equal that of last year, and lower yields are
expected in Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
State yield prospects generally reflect the weekly report of
crop conditions.
The World Outlook Board did not change projections of corn use
for the current marketing year, although it appears that exports
will exceed the projection of 2.1 billion bushels, Good said.
"For the 2006-07 marketing year, the projection of domestic feed
and residual use of corn was increased by 75 million bushels,
and the projection of food and industrial use was increased by 5
million bushels," he said.
"The consumption of U.S. corn for all purposes during the
2006-07 marketing year is projected at a record 11.815 billion
bushels, 640 million above the projection for the current year,
leaving year end stocks at 1.232 billion bushels. The projected
year-ending stocks-to-use ratio of 10.4 percent points to a
2006-07 marketing year average price of $2.35, equal to the
midpoint of the USDA's projected range of $2.15 to $2.55," he
The forecast of the 2006 soybean crop came in at 2.928 billion
bushels, 159 million smaller than the 2005 crop and about 90
million less than the average pre-report guess, said Good.
The U.S. average yield forecast of 39.6 bushels is 1.1 bushels
below the USDA's calculated trend value and 3.7 bushels below
the record yield of 2005, Good said. Large year-over-year yield
declines are expected in the western Corn Belt, in the Plains
states, and in some southern states. The average yield in
Illinois is forecast to be two bushels below the 2005 average
while the projections for both Indiana and Ohio equal the 2005
"The World Outlook Board increased the projection of soybean
exports for the current marketing year by 25 million bushels and
the projection of the domestic crush by 5 million bushels.
Still, year-ending stocks are expected to be in surplus at 515
million bushels, or 18.2 percent of consumption," Good said.
"Projections of soybean use for the 2006-07 marketing year were
essentially unchanged, totaling 2.996 billion bushels. Stocks of
U.S. soybeans on September 1, 2007 are projected at 450 million
bushels, with the year-ending stocks-to-use ratio of 15 percent
suggesting a 2006-07 marketing year average farm price near
$5.65--within the USDA's projected range of $5.00 to $6.00," he
The forecast production of all classes of wheat, at 1.801
billion bushels, was only 5 million less than the July forecast,
Good said. Projections of use during the current marketing year
were unchanged, but the projection of the 2006-07 marketing year
average farm price was increased by 20 cents, in a range of
$3.90 to $4.50.
"The higher price expectation likely reflects the outlook for a
much tighter world wheat-supply situation. Production forecasts
were lowered for Argentina, Canada, and the European Union while
forecasts were increased for Russia and the Ukraine," the
specialist said.
World wheat production is expected to be 3.3 percent less than
last year's crop, resulting in a decline in both consumption and
year-ending stocks, said Good. Even so, wheat prices declined
following the new projections.
Good said that opinion seems to be divided on where subsequent
corn and soybean production forecasts will fall relative to the
August forecast. For corn the prevailing attitude seemed to
reflect the adage that "big crops get bigger," he said.
"For soybeans, the private sector's expectations of crop size in
August have tended to be closer to the final USDA estimate than
has the August USDA forecast. If that tendency continues, a
larger forecast might be expected in subsequent reports," the
specialist said.
Author: Phyllis Picklesimer |