Boston, Massachusets
August 7, 2006
Findings could also lead to crops
tolerant to cadmium contaminants in soil
Deficiencies of micronutrients
such as Iron and Zinc commonly limit plant growth and crop
yields. Dartmouth College
Professor Mary Lou Guerinot is conducting research to better
understand the mechanisms of micronutrient uptake, distribution
and regulation.
Guerinot's findings are making
it feasible to engineer nutrient-rich plants better able to grow
in soils now considered marginal and to increase crop biomass in
soils now in cultivation. Guerinot presented her findings today
at the Annual Meeting of the
American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) in the Hynes
Convention Center, Boston.
Most people rely on plants for
their dietary source of micronutrients. Therefore, plants
engineered to be better sources of essential elements would
offer humans improved nutrition. For example, over three billion
people worldwide suffer from Iron and/or Zinc deficiencies. Food
consumption studies suggest that doubling the Iron in rice can
increase the Iron intake of the poor by 50 percent. Rice is a
staple food in many of the countries with widespread Iron
deficiencies in human diets.
Guerinot's lab has previously
identified the essential Iron transporter responsible for Iron
uptake from the soil. This Iron transporter is IRT1. In addition
to transporting iron, IRT1 can also transport Manganese, Zinc,
Cobalt and Cadmium. Thus, any attempts to increase Iron uptake
via IRT1 must consider the transport of unwanted substrates such
as Cadmium.
Industrial, mining, and
agricultural activities, particularly the excessive use of
phosphate fertilizers, have led to high levels of Cadmium
contamination at many locations worldwide. Utilizing DNA
shuffling and heterologous expression in yeast, Guerinot and her
colleagues isolated alleles of IRT1 that no longer facilitate
the accumulation of Cadmium yet retain the crucial ability to
transport Iron. When the engineered IRT1 alleles are expressed
in plants that no longer express a wild type copy of IRT1, the
engineered allele allows these plants to take up iron and
renders them resistant to Cadmium. Transgenic seedlings have
Cadmium levels similar to that of IRT1 loss of function plants,
demonstrating that Cadmium transport through IRT1 has been
eliminated. Furthermore, these plants have twice as much Iron as
wild type plants when grown in the presence of Cadmium.
While the ability to quantify
the amount of particular metals present in various plant tissues
has proved very informative, Guerinot said she and her
colleagues would also like to be able to see where the metals
are distributed within various plant organs.
"We have used X-ray
fluorescence microtomography to determine, in vivo, the spatial
distribution of metals in Arabidopsis seed. Examination of
various mutants is shedding light on which transporters
influence the distribution of important nutrients such as Iron
in the seed. Such information should aid the development of
nutrient-rich seed, beneficially affecting human nutrition and
health. This research should also lead to agronomic benefits
such as increased seedling vigor, higher crop yields and
resistance to disease," Guerinot said.
Guerinot collaborated with
researchers from the University of Chicago and Purdue University
on this research. This research has been supported by the
National Science Foundation Directorate for Biological Sciences
Plant Genome Research Program. |