Nairobi, Kenya
April 28, 2006
CropBiotech Update
East African Business Week reports that Kenya is moving toward
the introduction of a genetically modified (GM) cotton variety
in a bid to revive the country’s cotton production sector. The
GM cotton, a Bt variety resistant to cotton bollworm, is
currently undergoing contained field trials at a farm in the
Kenya Agricultural Research
Institute (KARI), Mwea, central Kenya.
The contained field trials will take four months, and aim to
evaluate the efficacy of the GM cotton against Bollworm
infestation. The trials also seek to evaluate the crop’s
economic advantage. All biosafety measures are in place for the
trials, which will undergo periodic inspection by members of the
country’s National Biosafety Council (NBC) and the Kenya Plant
Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS).
Kenya’s cotton production has been declining since 1986. This is
due to many factors, both environmental and economic, including
damage by cotton pests, which account for losses of up to 32% of
the total cost of production to cotton farmers.
Read the complete article at