April 28, 2006
Less can have more impact if
appropriate fertilizer is applied to the crops at the right
time, in the right quantity, at the right spot. In sub-Saharan
African countries, the fertilizer microdosing technique
developed by the International
Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
and partners is helping farmers to increase agricultural
Microdosing has reintroduced fertilizer use in Zimbabwe,
Mozambique and South Africa in the southern part of African
continent; and Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso in western Africa.
And through this intervention, ICRISAT and partners have
surmounted the barrier to productivity increase which even crop
improvement could not overcome.
In 2006, which has been declared as the International Year of
Deserts and Desertification by the United Nations, ICRISAT's
microdosing initiative is improving the livelihood of the poor
and marginal farmers of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) through
enhanced agricultural productivity in the drylands.
According to Dr William Dar, Director General of ICRISAT, the
strength of the microdosing initiative has been the strong
partnerships with donors, international and national
agricultural research and extension systems, NGOs and farmer
communities. "Microdosing permits small farmers to get good
impact by adding affordable quantities of fertilizer to the
fields. And through the warrantage credit scheme in western
Africa, the farmers are effectively linked with the markets,"
Dar added.
Farmers in the project countries have developed innovative
techniques to apply microdoses of the appropriate fertilizer.
While the farmers in southern Africa use fertilizer measured out
in an empty soft drink or beer bottle cap, in western Africa the
farmers measure fertilizer with a three-finger pinch and apply
it in the same hole in which the seed is sown.
Linking microdosing to relief in southern Africa ICRISAT's
programs in southern Africa initially emphasized the development
of more drought tolerant varieties of sorghum and pearl millet.
A combination of international and national crop breeders
selected earlier maturing varieties with good food and feed
qualities. These offered large yield gains in drought years when
the rainy season ended early. But yield gains during normal or
longer rainy seasons were smaller.
Dr Steve J Twomlow,
ICRISAT's Global Theme Leader on Agro-Ecosystems and the leader
of the microdosing project in southern Africa, explains "though
there was good adoption by farmers of improved varieties, we
realized that we did not get the expected yield increase. There
had to be some other limiting factor." The idea of microdosing
derived from the recognition that nitrogen was often in shorter
supply than water.
The problem was that few small-scale farmers in these
drought-prone regions used any fertilizer. For instance, surveys
in southern Zimbabwe showed that less than 5% of the farmers
used chemical fertilizers. And even more unexpectedly 60% of the
households owning livestock did not even use available cattle
manure as soil amendment. Farmers argued that these inputs were
too risky. Despite years of extension advice, they did not
understand the value of fertilizer.
"We began from the realization that poorer farmers in
drought-prone areas will not invest in fertilizer - or at most,
only in very small quantities," says Twomlow. "The question was
not what quantity of fertilizer will maximize yields, but rather
how to maximize returns from a small investment in fertilizer."
ICRISAT challenged an international workshop of scientists to
assess how best to allocate two 50 kg bags of fertilizer on a
small-scale farm through a crop systems simulation exercise.
Again, the key question was not how to maximize yields, but how
to maximize the returns to a severely resource-constrained
investment. The simulation allowed options of concentrating the
fertilizer on one plot or spreading this. Labor resource
constraints highlighted the farmer's problems of weed control.
To the surprise of many, the largest gains were achieved by
spreading the fertilizer broadly.
ICRISAT worked with the Zimbabwean Department for Agricultural
Research and Extension (AREX) and several non-government
organizations to implement on-farm participatory trials where a
limited number of farmers experimented with the application of
small quantities of ammonium nitrate through a method later
called microdosing. These results confirmed the simulation
ICRISAT then challenged the larger donor and NGO community to
promote application of these findings in their post-drought
recovery programs. In 2003/04 cropping year, 170,000 farmers
were provided 25 kg bags of ammonium nitrate with advice on how
to apply this on an acre of grain crop. Virtually every farmer
achieved a significant yield gain - with most obtaining a 30-50
percent improvement in harvest. More than 40,000 tons of
additional grain was produced and ultimately consumed by many of
then poorest farmers in the country. This additional production
reduced the costs of Zimbabwe's food aid imports by more than
US$ 8 million.
The success of this initiative has encouraged growing interest
in neighboring countries. Microdosing is now being tested in
Mozambique and South Africa. In addition, fertilizer companies
are starting to take note. Companies in Zimbabwe and South
Africa have agreed to support the distribution of smaller
fertilizer packs with the advance on how best to apply them.
A pinch of fertilizer supported with "warrantage" in western
Africa ICRISAT scientists working in the Sahelian region
adjacent to the Sahara Desert realized that to improve
productivity of pearl millet and sorghum at least 100 kg of
Compound Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) fertilizer is
required per hectare. It was so since the region had received
minimal or almost no fertilizer application over decades.
According to Dr Ramadjita Tabo,
ICRISAT's Deputy Director for West and Central Africa and
Regional Coordinator, Desert Margins Program (DMP), the poor
farmers in Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso would have needed to
spend around US$40 per hectare to follow the recommendation on
NPK use. "We could not recommend something that we were sure the
farmers would not be able to afford. So we had to find a way to
reach the right component to the right spot at the right time,"
adds Tabo.
Since much of the soil in the Sahelian region is sandy it was
realized the most limiting factor was phosphorus. "Initially we
used 6 gms of NPK (15:15:15) per hill for a total of 60 kg NPK
per hectare. We then searched for a fertilizer with a higher
concentration of phosphorus and decided to use Di-Ammonium
Phosphate (DAP), which means that only 2 grams of fertilizer is
required per plant, reducing the total fertilizer use to 20 kg
per hectare," says Tabo.
DAP or NPK is placed along with the seed and covered with soil.
The West African farmers found a labor-saving method for
microdosing. While one farmer goes about making holes the second
follows him or her with two vessels: one with the seed and the
other with DAP or NPK. He plants the seed and puts a
three-finger pinch (sufficient for 2 gm) of fertilizer and
pushes the soil over the hole with his feet. This microdosing is
supplemented with 1 gm of urea per plant three weeks after
On an average, microdosing has resulted in yield increases
between 44 and 120% for pearl millet and sorghum. However, even
with increased production, the market dynamics is such that the
farmers do not get the right price for the produce since they do
not have the ability to store grain, which they sell to middle
men at low prices during harvest. The project, through the
warrantage or inventory credit system system overcame this
The first step was the creation and strengthening of farmers'
associations in the project villages. These associations built
warehouses for grain storage. The farmers keep their grain for
safekeeping in the warehouses immediately after the harvest,
when the grain price in the market is the lowest due to high
supply. The associations give a credit of 80% of the grain price
to the farmers, which the farmers use for dry-season activities
such as raising Africa Market Garden (AMG) with fruit and
vegetable trees rearing and fattening sheep or extracting
groundnut oil. When the price for sorghum and millet improves,
the farmers return the credit taken from the association,
retrieve their grain and sell it in the market.
The associations also use their economies of scale to purchase
fertilizers and other inputs in bulk and store them in input
shops in the villages. This is broken down into smaller packets
and sold to farmers. Microdosing when combined with warrantage
has resulted in 52 to 134% improvement in income for 12,650 farm
households in the three countries.
The project is supported by the United States Agency for
International Development and implemented by ICRISAT and a broad
consortium of partners. They include the Institut de
l'Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles du Burkina Faso, the
Hunger Project, the Institut d'Economie Rurale du Mali, Sasakawa
Global 2000, Winrock International, the Institut National de
Recherche Agronomique du Niger, Project Intrants FAO, the
International Fertilizer Development Center, the Tropical Soils
Biology and Fertility Institute of the International Center for
Tropical Agriculture, NGOs, and farmers' organizations. |