CropBiotech Update
India’s Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, through the Director General of Foreign Trade, has
approved new rules governing the import of genetically modified
(GM) products. The country’s
Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) of the
Ministry of Environment and Forest (MOEF) has also been tasked
to approve or reject all applications for bulk import of GM
food, raw or processed feed, or any ingredient of food, food
additives, or any food product that contains GM materials.
The conditions to which the import of GM foods will be
subjected include the following:
1) import of any material with GM materials used for
either industrial production, environmental release, or
field applications will be allowed only with approval of the
2) any institute or company wishing to import GM
materials for research purposes should submit their proposal
to the Review Committee for Genetic Modification (RCGM)
under the Department of Biotechnology; and
3) at the time of import, all consignments containing GM
materials must carry a declaration that the product is
genetically modified.
If the consignment does not carry such a declaration and is
later found to contain GM materials, the importer is liable to
penal action under the country’s 1992 Foreign Trade Act.
These rules are effective from the 1st of April, 2006.
Read the complete article at
View the complete document on regulations at
For more information, contact Bhagirath Choudhary of the
ISAAA South Asia office at