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Deliberate release into the E.U. environment of GMOs for any other purposes than placing on the market:
Transgenic potato cultivation
Date of publication: April 5, 2006

Notification number: B/PL/04/02-03

Member State:Poland

Date of Acknowledgement:10/05/2004

Title of the Project: Transgenic potato cultivation

Proposed period of release From:15/04/2006 To:15/09/2010

Name of the Institute(s) or Company(ies): University of Wroclaw;

3. Is the same GMPt release planned elsewhere in the Community?

4 - Has the same GMPt been notified elsewhere by the same notifier?

Genetically modified plant

1. Complete name of the recipient or parental plant(s)
Common Name Family Name Genus Species Subspecies Cultivar/breeding line
potato solanaceae solanum solanum tuberosum tuberosum Desiree

2. Description of the traits and characteristics which have been introduced or modified, including marker genes and previous modifications:
The improvement of antioxidant capacity of potato plant, increase of pathogen resistance of tubers. Modification of sugar metabolism in potato plants.
Marker genes npt II (kanamicine resistance) and hpt II (hygromicine resistance).

Genetic modification

3. Type of genetic modification:
Insertion; Other:
Genes involved in flavonoids synthesis (CHS,CHI,DFR) in sense and antisense orientation, glucose transferase gene, tyrosine decarboxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase in sense orientation. Potato 14-3-3 protein isoforms in antisense orientation.

4. In case of insertion of genetic material, give the source and intended function of each constituent fragment of the region to be inserted:
14-3-3 protein and ADP ribosylation factor obtained from potato – Solanum tuberosum.
Genes: chalcon synthase (CHS), flavono-chalcon isomerase (CHI) and dihydroflavon reductase (DFR)- were isolated from Petunia hybrida.
Glucose transferase extracted from Solanum sogerandinum and tyrosine decarboxylase gene is obtained from Petroselinum crispum.

6. Brief description of the method used for the genetic modification:
The explants of potato leaves were transformed by incubation with suspension of recombined Agrobacterium tumefaciens.

7. If the recipient or parental plant is a forest tree species, describe ways and extent of dissemination and specific factors affecting dissemination:
Do not refer

Experimental Release

1. Purpose of the release:
The aim of project is obtaining of genetically modified plants, with modified level of 14-3-3 protein, ADP ribosylation factor. The goal is also to generate new transgenic plants with high resistance to pathogen infection and higher antioxidant capacity. The additional group of plants form plants with higher than in control plants catecholamines content.

2. Geographical location of the site:
Wroclaw-Karłowice plot. nr. 26, AM-13, Dolnoslaskie voivodship, Poland.
Ground belonging to University of Wroclaw.

3. Size of the site (m2):
400 m2

4. Relevant data regarding previous releases carried out with the same GM-plant, if any, specifically related to the potential environmental and human health impacts from the release:
The performed previous releasing take place on the same experimental field and no uncontrolled spread of GMO was observed and also another disadvantageous changes in environment did not notified.

Environmental Impact and Risk Management

Summary of the potential environmental impact from the release of the GMPts:
Potentially useful potato tuber properties such as reducing sugar and starch content modification and nitrate reductase, sucrose phosphate synthase activity and catecholamines content. The increase of flavonoids content and carrying of it into glycosylated form may improve pathogen resistance and antioxidant capacity of plants. The increase of catecholamines content may improve resistance on unbeneficial environmental conditions.
Obtained transgenic plants can not have selective dominance in natural environment.

Brief description of any measures taken for the management of risks:
During experiment the GMO trials will be controlled every week. And during one year after end of it at least one time a month. In case of any negative influence on natural environment the cultivation will be destroyed by herbicide treatment.
The experimental field is secured by 4 m fence.

Summary of foreseen field trial studies focused to gain new data on environmental and human health impact from the release:
We don’t expect any influence on natural environment and human health, which would have a consequence of release of transgenic plants.

Final report


European Commission administrative information

Consent given by the Competent Authority: Not Known

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