Report of the Sub-Committee on Bt cotton and
related issues.
10.1 The Member
Secretary briefed the Committee on the views expressed by
Members on this matter in the previous GEAC meeting and
placed the recommendation of the sub-Committee on Bt cotton
and related issues for reconsideration of the Committee. The
Committee reiterated the following points:
The number of
locations proposed by the Sub-Committee is rational as
it takes into consideration the agro-climatic zones and
area under cotton cultivation in each zone. However,
the Company should provide a detailed justification for
the selected locations.
The GEAC is following
a case-by-case approval of each hybrid and therefore the
Sub-Committee’s recommendation in respect of GEAC
released gene/event needs reconsideration.
One view was that once
the biosafety studies have been completed and approved
by RCGM all hybrids should be treated on par for LST.
It was also opined by
some members that 1 year MLT followed by two years of
LST and two years of ICAR testing in tandem should be
applicable in all cases as interpretation of data based
on 1 year LST may not provide any scientific
While some members
were of the view that a CVRC notified hybrid/variety has
been extensively field tested for agronomic performance
and its suitability for a particular zone and therefore
1 year of LST and 1 year of ICAR testing is adequately
provided, the Company is able to submit documentary
evidence through DNA finger printing that the transgenic
Bt cotton hybrid / variety is equivalent to its non-Bt
counter part.
The new policy and
procedure should be applicable only in prospective for
new cases only and not retrospectively. The new cases
would mean those hybrids that are refereed to the GEAC
for the first time for LST during Kharif 2006.
10.2 The Committee
also gave an opportunity to M/s Nath Seeds for presenting
their views and concerns on the sub-committee’s
recommendations. The Company expressed concern regarding the
new policies recommended by the sub-committee in respect of
two years of LST for ‘new gene/event’. They requested the
GEAC to consider their case based on one year LST on the
following grounds:-
the Bt cotton hybrids approved by the GEAC are either
those of Mahyco-Monsanto (Monsanto’s technology) or
their sub-licensees. Because of the sole monopoly of a
multi-national, the price of Bt cotton seed being
charged remains exorbitantly high.
Seeds have ventured to come up with alternative Bt
cotton technology, through indigenous efforts. Through
4 years of various testing, they have completed all
the mandatory requirements of biosafety studies, one
year MLT, two year ICAR trials and one year LST under
GEAC as per prescribed regulatory procedures.
16 such Bt hybrids were approved last year (2005), after
one year of Large Scale Trials.
It is
difficult to comprehend as to what exactly is meant by
the term ‘micro-variants’ (Cry 1 Ac-1, Cry 1 Ac-2,
etc). Scientific literature does not recognize any
such genetic nomenclature and the Sub-Committee has not
elaborated upon except to say that “they do not have
complete DNA homology, but have some base pair
differences and hence may have some variation in the
protein system”. It is very important to specify as to
what that ‘some variation’ would be.
During the deliberations, the members were of the views that
there is merit in the Company’s argument regarding the term
‘micro-variants’ (Cry 1 Ac-1, Cry 1 Ac-2, etc) and therefore
Protocol –II recommended by the sub-Committee in respect
of ‘micro-variant’ needs reconsideration. After detailed
deliberation on the various issues mentioned above, the
Committee concluded that the matter may be referred back to
the sub-Committee for its reconsideration in the light of
the views expressed by the members of the GEAC and also
representations given from time to time by the industry
representatives. The Committee further recommended that two
more members (Dr R P Sharma and Dr Sushil Kumar) may be
co-opted in the Sub-Committee in view of their expertise on
the subject matter. It was also decided that the new policy
and procedures would be applicable in prospective for new
cases only and not retrospectively. It was also agreed that
the new cases would mean those hybrids which have not been
approved by the GEAC for large scale trials.
Representations received from NGOs in respect of Bt
Cotton field trials.
The Member Secretary, GEAC briefed the Committee on the
representation received from the Centre for Sustainable
Agriculture, Greenpeace and other NGOs regarding the
performance of Bt cotton as well as regarding alleged
irregularities during large scale trials of Bt cotton
approved by GEAC. She further informed that the
representations have been forwarded to the respective State
Dept of Agriculture and MOA for verification and submission
of a factual report. Since the evaluation of the Bt cotton
trials under RCGM / GEAC and AICCIP trials under ICAR are
also in progress, the reports have also been forwarded to
Member Secretary RCGM and AICCIP project co-coordinator.
The reports received from Member Secretary RCGM and AICCIP
project co-coordinator in respect of the complaint received
from Centre for Sustainable Agriculture was also placed
before the committee.
The Committee opined that the representations received need
to be addressed in proper perspective. The Committee was of
the view that a separate meeting to discuss the above issue
may be convened by the Chairman GEAC to which the respective
State Govts and other agencies associated with the
monitoring of Bt cotton may also be invited for facilitating
scientific discussion.