Columbia, Missouri
September 23, 2005
Common waterhemp with "potential
resistance to glyphosate herbicide" has been found in two
soybean fields in northwest Missouri by a weed scientist at the
University of Missouri.
"Waterhemp grown from seed collected from suspect fields in 2004
shows high tolerance to glyphosate in two greenhouse
dose-response trials this summer," said Kevin Bradley, MU
Extension weed specialist. "The weeds were found in fields
planted to Roundup Ready soybeans continuously since the new
varieties were introduced in 1996.
"Common waterhemp is our No. 1 weed problem in corn and soybeans
in most of Missouri," Bradley said. "With the introduction of
Roundup Ready soybean varieties, glyphosate (the active
ingredient in Roundup and similar herbicides) became the No. 1
herbicide used in soybean fields."
Roundup Ready varieties are genetically modified to tolerate the
herbicide. Farmers spray glyphosate after the crop is growing,
killing the weeds, while the modified soybean plants are
unharmed. The U.S.
Department of Agriculture reported that 89 percent of Missouri's
2005 soybean acreage was planted to these genetically modified
soybean varieties.
Herbicide resistance develops in weeds when a plant in a weed
population has natural resistance to an herbicide, Bradley said.
The plant is not killed and produces seeds. Over time, with
continued use of the same herbicide, resistant plants dominate
the population in a field as herbicide-susceptible plants are
Histories from the suspected fields supported the theory that
the weeds might be resistant, Bradley said. They have been in
continuous soybeans, and glyphosate has been the sole herbicide
used since 1996.
"Problems developed over the last three years at one site and
the grower continued to use increasing rates of glyphosate,"
Bradley said.
To prevent development of herbicide resistance in weeds,
extension specialists first recommend alternating herbicides
with different modes of action. Second, Bradley said, a farmer
can rotate growing corn and soybeans. "Generally, when you
rotate crops, you also rotate herbicide modes of action."
MU specialists also encourage farmers to scout fields after
spraying to find any "escapes," and then eliminate these with
mechanical or spot treatments.
Common waterhemp, also known as pigweed, produces thousands of
tiny seeds per plant. "Although waterhemp is not as competitive
as some other pigweeds, high numbers reduce yields in corn and
soybean fields,"
Bradley said.
In MU greenhouse tests, some waterhemp continued to grow after
being sprayed with rates as high as 6 pounds of glyphosate acid
per acre. "To put this in perspective, the recommended rate for
the size waterhemp that we were spraying in these trials is 0.75
pounds of glyphosate acid per acre," Bradley said.
By definition, an herbicide-resistant weed must have the
inherited ability to survive and reproduce following an
application of an herbicide that normally kills it.
While his greenhouse studies confirm survival following labeled
applications, Bradley is beginning inheritance studies to see if
the resistant trait is present in seeds collected from surviving
plants. He also will grow and treat plants under field
conditions next season and conduct surveys of the suspected
In 2004, MU weed scientists confirmed a case of common ragweed,
from central Missouri, resistant to 10 times the normal rate of
glyphosate. If Bradley confirms inherited resistance in common
waterhemp, that weed will join ragweed, marestail and ryegrass
as U.S. weeds found to have developed glyphosate resistance.
Bradley has been called to fields where glyphosate resistance
was suspected. "Usually, we find some other cause for weed
survival. Often weeds came up after the last glyphosate
Glyphosate has no residual activity. It must be applied to
growing weeds to be effective.
Weeds grown in another suspected field in southwest Missouri did
not show glyphosate resistance in the greenhouse.
In his study, Bradley compared six biotypes of common waterhemp.
The control was seed from waterhemp in plots at the MU Bradford
Research and Extension Center near Columbia that have never been
sprayed with glyphosate.
The three suspected biotypes were compared with two lines of
waterhemp that had shown "some tolerance" in tests several years
ago. "All except the two biotypes from northwest Missouri were
killed with the recommended rates of herbicide."
"This does not mean I recommend anyone moving away from Roundup
Ready soybeans altogether," Bradley said. "It is very effective
and economical for growers.
"However, the system must be used responsibly to sustain the
technology." |