Ames, Iowa
September 21, 2005
Starting this week, seed companies
and producers will be able to get early results from the Iowa
Crop Improvement Association's (ICIA) 2005 corn and soybean crop
performance tests.
"I expect to be able to start posting corn results to our Web
site late this week," said Jim Rouse, program manager of the
ICIA corn and soybean tests. "My goal is to get the results from
each test location on the Web within 48 hours of harvesting."
The Web site, is
offering the data in a new, easier to use format. Maps showing
testing locations for corn and soybean are available now. As
each site is harvested, links to the data from that site will be
Changes are being made to the printed reports as well. "For the
corn report, we're combining the seven corn district reports
into one report. In order to do that, we are focusing on the
information that producers use most. All data will be available
on the Website. I think farmers will find the format and content
easier to use and understand," said Rouse.
Rouse said the soybean report format will change only slightly
to allow individual location information to be included. Both
reports will be available later this fall.
Forty-seven companies entered 415 hybrids in the corn trials
this year. More than 10,000 variety test plots were planted on
57 acres in 21 locations. Soybean trials included 22 companies
and Iowa State University (ISU) entering 309 varieties. Nine
locations were used to plant the 3,600 variety test plots on 17
Iowa Crop Improvement Association (ICIA) conducts the Iowa Crop
Performance Tests in cooperation with the Iowa Agriculture and
Home Economics Experiment Station at ISU and ISU Extension. The
program offers unbiased, third party, on-farm information to
Iowa growers on commercial seed. For more information or to make
comments on the changes to the corn and soybean Iowa Crop
Performance Tests, contact Jim Rouse at (515) 294-5604 or |