Gedera, Israel
October 10, 2005
Capital Partners Group LLC, headed by Ron Lubash,
will be allowed to carry out the contract signed with the
controlling shareholders in
Gedera to acquire their 62% stake in the company,
ruled arbitrator Adv. Dr. Yoram Danziger. The Tel Aviv District
Court appointed Danziger to arbitrate the dispute.
ordered Zeraim Gedera to transfer to Markstone by November 23
all necessary documents and information needed to carry out due
diligence. Markstone and Japan’s
Sakata Seed Corporation to each
pay a third of the cost of the arbitration proceedings of NIS
130,000. Zeraim Gedera’s minority shareholders will pay the
other third, on the basis of their stakes in the company.
asked the court to forbid Zeraim Gedera’s majority shareholders
from accepting a request by the company’s minority shareholders
(who own 32.28% of the company) to sell their shares to the
minority shareholders. Markstone claims that this is an attempt
to block its attempt to acquire control of the company for $52
million. Markstone claims that Zeraim Gedera’s minority
shareholders are trying to exercise their rights on behalf of
Sakata, who would buy the majority shareholders’ stakes for $52
million and subsequently sell it to Sakata for $55 million.
Sakata is represented in Israel by
Genetics Ltd. (TASE:
a competitor of Zeraim Gedera.
Zeraim Gedera
develops, produces and markets vegetable seeds. It is a private
company owned by farming families from the town of Gedera. It
has a sales turnover of $100 million a year, and exports to over
30 countries.
by Noam
Sharvit, Globes [online],
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