Ames, Iowa
October 10, 2005Results
of the 2005 Iowa Crop Performance Test for alfalfa are now
available online at
Published bulletins will be
available Oct. 18 and can be requested by contacting Iowa Crop
Improvement Association (ICIA) at (515) 294-6921 or the
Iowa State University (ISU)
Extension Distribution Center at (515) 294-5247.
The 2005 alfalfa test includes entries of commercial varieties
conducted at Ames and Nashua. Additionally, a leafhopper
tolerance trial was conducted at Ames. Performance data provided
with the results include yield in tons per acre, fall dormancy
ratings, and disease resistances. No winterkill occurred during
the 2004-2005 winter. Average yields were six to eight tons per
acre on a dry matter basis. Results from a miscellaneous legumes
and an orchardgrass test are included as well.
ICIA's crop performance testing program is a cooperative effort
with the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station
and ISU Extension. The program offers unbiased, third-party
information to Iowa growers on commercial seed available for
them to grow.
Information on the adaptation
and performance of hybrids and varieties is currently offered
for alfalfa, barley, corn, oat, soybean, triticale and wheat. |