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Mid-West Seed Services testing laboratory earns CLEARFIELD CONFIRM validation from BASF

Brookings, South Dakota
October 3, 2005

Mid-West Seed Services (MWSS) was recently granted CLEARFIELD CONFIRMSM validation for testing CLEARFIELD sunflower seed. Under agreement with BASF, Mid-West Seed Services, Inc. developed the bioassay for imidazolinone-tolerant sunflower seed.

Mid-West Seed Services, Inc. passed the 2005 CLEARFIELD BASF validation test for sunflowers in September and is proud to offer CLEARFIELD testing for sunflowers. In addition to being awarded the use of the CLEARFIELD CONFIRMSM  test seal for sunflowers, MWSS has also earned that right on CLEARFIELD wheat and rice.

Clients using the services of a CLEARFIELD CONFIRMSM approved laboratory can be assured that their samples are being tested and evaluated by an approved laboratory utilizing test methods that have been validated by BASF.

Mid-West Seed Services, Inc. is an independent seed testing and quality assurance laboratory based in Brookings, S.D. MWSS has achieved ISO9001 certification and has been accredited by the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA).

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