Rome, Italy
November 8, 2005
Executive Summary
Characterisation and conservation of genetic resources of crops,
forest trees, livestock and aquatic species are important for
all countries, but particularly for developing countries whose
economies depend heavily on these sectors, and where genetic
resources are often threatened. A number of biotechnology tools
are available that can help in characterisation and conservation
of such genetic resources, ranging from relatively cheap and
uncomplicated technologies to sophisticated, resource-demanding
ones. In each of the crop, forestry, animal and fishery sectors,
albeit to different degrees, biotechnology tools are currently
being applied in developing countries for these purposes and
numerous examples of the wide range of applications were
provided during this FAO e-mail conference. Of the different
biotechnologies, most discussions were about molecular markers,
in particular their use for characterisation of genetic
resources, where issues such as the advantages or disadvantages
of different marker systems and the proposal to develop a
universal molecular marker database were debated. In situations
involving potential use of marker and non-marker information,
such as development of a core collection of plant genebank
accessions or prioritisation of animal breeds for conservation
purposes, there was general consensus that decisions should not
be based on marker information alone and that other factors,
such as morphology and agronomic performance, should also be
considered. The merits of several in vitro techniques, including
tissue culture, cryopreservation and DNA storage, were
considered with a view to conservation of genetic resources,
where e.g. DNA banks for plants were seen as potentially
complementing but not replacing seed banks, at least in the near
future. The ability to apply these biotechnologies in developing
countries is currently limited by the lack of sufficient funds,
human capacity and adequate infrastructure. The importance of
human resource capacity building was highlighted. There was a
general call for greater collaboration among researchers and
practitioners, particularly at the regional level, to reduce
costs and pool limited resources, and between developed and
developing country institutions. A role was seen for
international organisations, including FAO, and the centres of
the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
(CGIAR), in coordinating these collaborative efforts and in
supporting these capacity building activities.
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