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Canada's National Research Council Plant Biotechnology Institute (NRC-PBI) and Dow AgroSciences Canada sign C$10 million strategic alliance in plant biotechnology - Alliance builds upon research successes in canola enhancement
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
May 5, 2005

The National Research Council Plant Biotechnology Institute (NRC-PBI) and Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. (DASCI) have signed a five-year strategic alliance. This research agreement, with contributions by the parties valued at $10 million over five years, builds on a previous five-year $10 million agreement in the area of canola, demonstrating a commitment of $20 million over 10 years to NRC-PBI research.

The research goals of the strategic alliance include diversification of oilseed crops to produce new oil profiles for industry and health, as well as improved canola meal for application in the animal feed industry. The agreement also includes research into the development of plant lines that produce valuable proteins such as vaccines.

In 1999, NRC and DASCI signed a five-year agreement for research into canola. This prior collaboration led to significant discoveries, including the development of canola plants which produce higher levels of oil and canola meal with reduced levels of anti-nutritional factors.

"Dow AgroSciences Canada's continued commitment to NRC plant biotechnology research demonstrates the value of our partnership," said NRC President Pierre Coulombe. "We will be building upon our previous success to help give Canada a competitive edge in today's global economy."

"This renewed commitment from Dow AgroSciences Canada to the activities of NRC-PBI reflects our continued belief in the talent and world class research that has been a hallmark of NRC-PBI's history in western Canada" said Dow AgroSciences Canada's President and CEO Rick Smith. "Together our organizations have a focused commitment to redefining the role of canola, both as a key agronomic crop grown in Canada and as a major economic contributor to the health of our agricultural export marketplace. If we assume the next five years will be as successful as the last five have been, the future for canola is exciting indeed."

"NRC looks forward to continuing our relationship with Dow AgroSciences Canada.  The NRC-PBI and Dow AgroSciences partnership has already led to important advances in canola research that we hope to transform into commercial realities and new products for Canadians," said Dr. Kutty Kartha, Director General of the NRC Plant Biotechnology Institute.

Recognized globally for research and innovation, Canada's National Research Council (NRC) is a leader in the development of an innovative, knowledge-based economy for Canada through science and technology. As a part of NRC, the NRC Plant Biotechnology Institute (NRC-PBI) conducts collaborative plant biotechnology research with universities, government agencies, and industry, helping to transfer research to product development and commercialization.

Dow AgroSciences LLC, based in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, is a global leader in providing pest management and biotechnology products that improve the quality and quantity of the earth's food supply and contribute to the health and quality of life of the world's growing population. Dow AgroSciences has approximately 5,500 people in more than 50 countries dedicated to its business, and has worldwide sales of US $3.4 billion. Dow AgroSciences is a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of The Dow Chemical Company.

Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. provides solutions in weed, insect and disease management and plant genetics including Nexera* canola, for Canadian growers, ranchers, foresters and industrial vegetation managers. With over 140 employees throughout Canada, Dow AgroSciences is headquartered in Calgary.

*Trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC

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