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Progeny Advanced Genetics honors pledge to remember “Delta John” Gill for second consecutive year
Salinas ,California
March 30, 2005


$10,000 Donated to Provide Service to Local ALS Families


Two years ago, Progeny Advanced Genetics of  Salinas pledged to keep alive the memory of John “Delta John” Gill, one of the Salinas Valley’s most respected agricultural leaders. Gill lost his life to Lou Gehrig’s Disease (also known as ALS) in 2001.  On Wednesday, March 30, 2005, that promise was kept for a second year with the presentation of a second $10,000 check to the Community Foundation for Monterey County to be used for the John Gill ALS Patient Support Fund.  The donation represents a portion of 2004 sales of Progeny’s Delta John lettuce variety.

John “Delta John” Gill was a well-known Gonzales-based lettuce grower stricken with Lou Gehrig’s Disease and who passed away in 2001.  Progeny Advanced Genetics, a Salinas-based company, honored Gill with the naming of a new lettuce product released in spring of 2003.  Progeny owner and CEO Nathan K. Olivas (right on photo, presenting donation to Todd Lueders) said at the time of release that a portion of proceeds from sales of Delta John would be contributed by Progeny to the Gill Fund of the Community Foundation for Monterey County.

The “Delta John” iceberg lettuce variety was bred for field holding ability, tip burn tolerance and processing quality.  The variety caught on with coastal growers, and robust sales in the past two years have enabled Progeny to earmark a total of $20,000 to the Foundation so far.  “Customer satisfaction with Delta John continues to remain strong,” Olivas noted, “and we are pleased to be able to share that achievement with the Foundation for a second year.”


The donation was presented to Todd Lueders, President/CEO of the Community Foundation for Monterey County in a ceremony held at Progeny’s Salinas headquarters on Moffett Street.  Lueders commented on the contribution, noting that the funds would be earmarked for patients and families dealing with ALS in Monterey County. 

“We are so happy to have the support of Progeny Advanced Genetics,” said Lueders.  “It enables us to improve services to families dealing with this devastating illness, honor Mr. Gill and his family and support people struggling day-to-day with ALS. We appreciate the Progeny gift and the comfort it will bring people right here in Monterey County.”

“We have been able to contribute $20,000 to support ALS patients in our community so far,” Olivas said.  “The success of this community partnership has inspired us to do the same with other varieties, helping our growers and their communities whenever we can.”

Progeny also contributes proceeds from its Tsunami and Victory varieties, donating funds for tsunami relief and rebuilding in Southeast Asia and for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Monterey County, respectively.  More information about Progeny’s products and community partnerships is available on the company’s website.



Progeny Advanced Genetics is dedicated to being the preeminent innovator, developer and supplier of proprietary lettuce varieties in the fresh produce industry and a strong partner in the communities it serves.

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