Adelaide, Southern Australia
March 29, 2005
Researchers at the
University of Adelaide’s recently established Centre for
Soil-Plant Interactions (CSPI) will be striving to capture
community awareness of “the importance of healthy soil for
healthy people”.
Despite its fundamental
importance, soil science faces an image problem. Although
government funding initiatives have targeted areas that include
soil salinity and water quality, the need exists for research in
wider areas of soil sustainability, and for education about the
related environmental, social and economic issues: the so-called
Triple Bottom Line.
“We need to understand the
relationships between plants and soil because soil provides the
nutrients that all plants use. It is therefore critical in the
health of our natural ecosystems and in the quality of the food
we eat,” says Professor Sally Smith, Director of the CSPI.
The core members of CSPI are
researchers from the University’s Schools of Earth &
Environmental Sciences and Agriculture & Wine, CSIRO Land &
Water, the University of Western Australia, and the Research
Centre for Eco-environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing.
CSPI research will focus on the
interactions between plants and soil, targeting root growth in
the soil environment, rhizosphere biology, plant nutrition and
alleviation of stresses imposed by hostile factors such as
salinity and contamination by toxic compounds.
“The formation of the centre
will ensure Australian and international recognition for the
quality and applications of our work.
“It will also provide a
platform from which to build secure and adequate funding and a
formal mechanism to strengthen existing research and teaching
networks, both within Australia and internationally,” Professor
Smith said.
“Our research extends from
fundamental science to plant production and we will use the
knowledge to help find ways to increase crop productivity,
reduce fertiliser requirements and to keep toxic chemicals like
arsenic and cadmium out of our food.
“It will also increase our
understanding of natural environments, and the way they depend
on underground processes.”
In launching the centre,
Professor Neville Marsh, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research,
quoted Leonardo da Vinci: “Why do we know more about the
movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot?” |