Manila, The Philippines
March 11, 2005
The Cotton Development
Administration (CODA) will begin this year a series of trial
planting activities to evaluate the performance of the country's
first genetically-superior hybrid cotton.
These trials are part of governments efforts to boost the
Philippine Cotton industry, said CODA Technical Services
Division chief Candido Damo.
Damo said researchers shall plant F-1 with other cotton seed
varieties in selected sites all over the country to compare its
He expressed optimism the specimen shall surpass current cotton
varieties like Navkar 5 and Bioseed 6527, also known as
Trials in CODAs Cotton Research Center in Batac, Ilocos Norte
over the last two years indicated good performance of F-1
plants, the division chief said.
Damo said the agency is targeting to conduct the trials in
private commercial cotton-planting areas so researchers can
observe how the F-1 variety performs in wider actual field
Among the areas considered as trial sites are Sarangani, north
and south Cotabato, Negros Oriental, Iloilo and the Ilocos
region, he noted. The CODA official said researchers produced
F-1 hybrid variety by cross-breeding DXB and E150, two parent
pure line cotton varieties with superior genetic
We want to develop more improved cotton varieties, he said,
noting Philippine cotton is already recognized internationally
for its top-quality.
Based on data from the agency, the Philippines continues to
import some 53,361 metric tons (MT) cotton to meet local demand
as domestic cotton production averaged only 1,650 MT. |