Blacksburg, Virginia
March 16, 2005
Tech’s Small Grains Breeding Program is developing a
new type of barley that lacks the fibrous covering. This new
hulless barley offers producers an alternative grain for both
traditional and new markets, including food, feed, and ethanol.
The price for winter barley has declined since 1996. Even though
winter barley was an integral component of the region’s cropping
system, growers stopped producing it because it was not
profitable. The Small Grains Breeding Program work is aimed at
reversing this trend. It has focused on improving and
diversifying barley’s end-use quality.
"Traditional hulled barley cultivars that have higher starch and
energy content, therefore, better feed quality, such as
cultivars named ’Thoroughbred’ and ’Price,’ have recently been
released by Virginia Tech," said Carl Griffey, professor of crop
and soil environmental science at Virginia Tech. "Similar to
wheat in appearance, ulless barley is significantly higher in
starch content and significantly lower in fiber than traditional
hulled barley," he said. Virginia Tech released the first winter
hulless barley cultivar, "Doyce," in 2003.
The breeding program is developing both traditional soft red
winter wheat cultivars and new cultivars with unique and
high-value end-use characteristics such as higher protein
content, quality, and white seed color. The Virginia Tech wheat
cultivars "Tribute" and "Renwood 3260" have a unique protein
quality, making them suited for specialty products. The cultivar
"Pearl" is the first soft white cultivar developed and released
from the program. Production of such high-value specialty grains
offers producers an economic alternative to commodity markets.
The Small Grains Breeding Program continues to work on more new
cultivars that help provide solutions to agriculture problems.
Another of the projects aims to develop wheat and barley
cultivars resistant to pests and so require fewer chemical
inputs. For example, producers would obtain higher yields of a
safer and higher quality grain that is resistant to Fusarium
head blight, commonly referred to as scab. Scab problems have
occurred on an annual basis during the past decade, and severe
epidemics nearly devastated the crop in Virginia during 1998 and
2003. Scab-resistant wheat cultivars developed at Virginia Tech
include "Roane," "McCormick," and "Tribute."
Mary Ann Johnson,
Virginia Tech |