Urbana, Illinois
March 7, 2005Late season
dryness in the Brazilian soybean crop and the market's quick
price response has provided an unexpected pricing opportunity
for U.S. soybean producers,
said a University of
Illinois Extension
marketing specialist.
"Now the question is whether that
pricing opportunity will fade with good crop prospects in the
United States or will better pricing opportunities develop
during the spring and summer, or both," said Darrel Good. "The
large current surplus of soybean suggests that the current rally
should be used to sell additional old crop supplies and at least
get started on selling the 2005 crop."
Good's comments came as he reviewed the soybean market, where
immediate interest focuses on the potential size of the current
South American crop along with other significant developments.
Forecasts of the size of the Brazilian soybean crop continue to
decline on the basis of dry weather in southern growing areas.
Hardest hit is the state of Rio Grande do Sul. That area was
also affected by dry weather last year, resulting in a crop of
about 200 million bushels. Early forecasts for this year were
for a crop near 340 million bushels.
"Some forecasts suggest that production may actually be only
about half that amount," said Good. "Compared to early forecasts
of about 2.37 billion bushels, forecast for all of Brazil have
declined to 1.95 to 2.1 billion bushels.
"The 2004 harvest totaled about 1.93 billion bushels."
Good said the USDA will release a new forecast for the 2005 crop
on March 10. Many believe that forecast will still exceed most
private forecasts.
"There still seems to be large differences of opinion about the
potential size of the South American crop," said Good. "More
northern growing areas of Brazil, as well as growing areas in
Argentina, have had more favorable weather. The 2004 Argentine
crop was estimated at 1.25 billion bushels and last month the
USDA forecast the 2005 crop at 1.43 billion bushels. Most seem
to think that production potential is still near 1.4 billion
Beyond the size of the South American crop, the soybean market
must also deal with the uncertainty about the size of the 2005
U.S. crop, Good added. Many analysts are still projecting a
decline in U.S. soybean acreage this year. However, the recent
rally in soybean prices relative to corn prices has created some
second thoughts about how large the decline might be.
In early February, the ratio of November 2005 soybean futures to
December 2005 corn futures was near 2.3. At the close of trade
on March 4, the ratio was near 2.5.
"The increase in soybean prices has been enough to offset most,
if not all, of the additional cost of treating for soybean
rust," said Good. "Expectations of a decline of two to three
million acres in soybean planting shave given way to forecasts
of a one to two million acre decline.
The USDA will reveal the results of the survey of planting
intentions on March 31. However, the market will likely continue
to debate the magnitude of plantings until the June Acreage
report is released."
Even after the acreage question is mostly settled, the soybean
market will have to deal with yield uncertainty, Good added.
With a decrease of about two million acres in soybean areas and
a trend yield near 40 bushels, the 2005 crop would be near 2.88
billion bushels. Consumption of U.S. soybeans during the current
marketing year is forecast at about 2.82 billion bushels,
resulting in year-end stocks of 440 million bushels. Assuming
that use exceeds the current projection by 40 million bushels
due to the smaller Brazilian crop, stocks will be near 400
million bushels.
"If use grows another 50 million bushels next year for the same
reason, stocks at the end of the 2005-06 marketing year would be
near 370 million bushels," said Good. "To create a shortage of
U.S. soybeans, then, the combination of smaller production or
increased use for the marketing year ahead needs to differ by
about 200 million from these projections."
The third significant uncertainty for soybeans centers around
Chinese import demand. For the current marketing year, the USDA
projects Chinese soybean consumption of 1.42 billion bushels
with imports of about 825 million bushels. Those forecasts are
12 percent and 33 percent larger, respectively, than estimates
for last year.
From Sept. 1, 2004 through Feb. 24, 2005, the USDA estimates
that China imported 355 million bushels of U.S. soybeans,
accounting for 45 percent of all U.S. exports. As of Feb. 24,
China had also purchased an additional 36 million bushels of
U.S. soybeans which had not yet been shipped.
"It appears that China will continue to buy U.S. soybeans a
little later into the season than normal due to the uncertainty
about Brazilian production," said Good. "The larger question,
however, is the rate of increase in Chinese soybean consumption
over the next several years. If that demand remains strong,
total world consumption will continue to grow."
For the current marketing year, soybeans prices did not trade to
the extremely low levels suggested by price behavior in recent
periods of surplus, Good noted. The lowest cash price to date is
about 60 cents to $1 higher than experienced during the 1998-99
through 2001-02 marketing year. Similarly, the recent price
increase of more than $1 per bushel has been larger than appears
warranted by world supply and demand fundamentals.
"The relatively strong performance of soybean prices this year
suggests that response to acreage, yield, and production
prospects over the next six months could be quite strong," Good
By Bob Sampson, PhD |