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Crop Adviser Institute at Iowa State University releases revised soybean rust training module
Ames, Iowa
June 29, 2005

The Crop Adviser Institute (CAI) at Iowa State University has released a revised soybean rust training module for Certified Crop Advisers and soybean producers. 

Tom Schultz, agronomy CAI instructional development specialist, said the interactive module offers new information about how to scout for the disease and includes updates. 

"This course module includes updated distribution maps of soybean rust, comparisons which point out the differences between rust and look-a-like diseases and information about chemical management of the disease," Schultz said. 

The module, available on CD-ROM, contains an optional exam that may be completed for two continuing education unit (CEU) credits with the American Society of Agronomy. Brent Brueland, agronomy CAI instructional development specialist, co-authored the module with Iowa State plant pathologist X.B. Yang and ISU Extension field crops pathologist Alison Robertson.

The course is available in two versions. The version for CEU credit is $30 and the noncredit version is $5 (plus shipping). CAI is a partnership between departments within the Iowa State College of Agriculture and Iowa State University Extension. The institute offers a variety of course modules for CEU credit.

To order a copy of the module or view a complete list of available courses visit
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