London, United Kingdom
June 22, 2005
Secretary of
State for Environment Margaret Beckett today commented on
the European Commission's proposals for Sugar reform. She said:
"I welcome today's Commission announcement of a far-reaching
sugar reform package designed to provide a sustainable future
for the sector. As the Commission says, this is all the more
necessary following the recent WTO Appellate Body ruling
limiting subsidised sugar exports.
"As incoming Presidency, the UK will work hard to bring
negotiations to a successful conclusion in line with the
Commission aim of agreement in November. This would strengthen
the EU position in the WTO Doha Round talks in Hong Kong in
December and contribute to our wider trade and development
objectives. Reform is also needed to promote greater
competitiveness and bring the sector into line with the CAP
reforms of 2003 and 2004.
"I also welcome the development of an Action Plan to provide
transitional assistance to those African, Caribbean, and Pacific
countries which have traditionally supplied sugar to the EU.
Helping them to adjust to lower prices is an integral part of
the reform process, and we intend to ensure this progresses in
parallel with the main reform proposal". |