Wooster, Ohio
June 14, 2005
In the interim of soybean rust’s potential
arrival to Ohio, growers may be compelled to use fungicides
labeled for rust to control other soybean foliar diseases.
The investment, however, may not be economically feasible, says
Anne Dorrance, an
Ohio State University
plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and
Development Center, and Ohio’s leading soybean rust researcher.
“Some of the questions we’ve gotten from growers are, ‘Can
fungicides labeled for soybean rust be used to manage other
foliar diseases,’ and ‘Is managing these other diseases
warranted in Ohio with such fungicides,’” said Dorrance. “The
answer is yes and no.”
Fungicides identified for use by the Environmental Protection
Agency in managing soybean rust have been labeled either Section
3 or Section 18.
Section 3 labeling is a full label, meaning that the fungicides
can be used to control other soybean foliar diseases, such as
Cercospora blight and brown spot. Section 3 fungicides include
Headline and Quadris. Known as strobilurin compounds, both are
identified as a preventive treatment against soybean rust.
“Both products are used in southern states to manage a number of
foliar diseases. In Tennessee, for example, data shows good
response in using the fungicides for control,” said Dorrance.
“However, when we look at the data from the northern states, we
don’t see a consistent response. The reason is that most of
these diseases are not at yield limiting levels in these areas.”
In other words, explained Dorrance, research results from the
2004 season gave no indication that Section 3 fungicides used to
control other soybean foliar diseases will provide an economic
return for Ohio producers.
The remaining fungicides designed to control soybean rust are
labeled Section 18 compounds. They are for emergency exemption,
as so identified by the EPA.
“Because of the exemption these products can and should only be
used for soybean rust as part of a grower’s management plan,”
said Dorrance. “Since there is no soybean rust predicted in Ohio
as of now, they should just be left in their containers.”
The fungicides labeled Section 18 are all triazoles (curatives),
or a combination of triazole and strobilurin compounds.
Currently, eight Section 18 fungicides have been identified for
use in Ohio. They are Bumper, Domark, Folicur, Laredo EC,
Propimax EC, Quilt, Stratego and Tilt.
“The issue here is there is no efficacy data of these Section 18
compounds for other foliar diseases,” said Dorrance. “We also
don’t want to jeopardize our emergency use labels with the EPA.
And we want to make sure that if rust hits, we have enough
material to use for that purpose.”
Soybean foliar diseases, such as Cercospora blight, frogeye leaf
spot and brown spot are common in Ohio. Their disease symptoms
are similar to soybean rust, and can be easily misdiagnosed
without a trained eye. Section 3 and Section 18 fungicides are
not effective against bacterial diseases, such as bacterial
blight and bacterial pustule.
This is part of a periodic series on
information regarding soybean rust. The goal is to provide media
with the latest updates on the disease and
Ohio State University’s
role in research and education. These updates are expected to
continue throughout 2005. |