Brussels, Belgium
June 9, 2005
On 12 April 2005 the European Food Safety Authority
(EFSA) released a statement on the lack of data available to
assess the risks of Bt10 following the inadvertent release in
the United States of a non-authorised genetically modified (GM)
maize line called Bt10 and its unintended export as Bt11 to the
European Union (EU).
(Original in PDF format:
EFSA follows up on Bt10 maize
On 12
April 2005 the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) released a
statement on the lack of data available to assess the risks of
Bt10[*] following the inadvertent release in the United States
of a non-authorised genetically modified (GM) maize line called
Bt10 and its unintended export as Bt11 to the European Union
has received a confirmation from Syngenta (the company which
developed the genetically modified maize Bt10 maize) that the
material subjected to safety studies described in the
application for the use of Bt11 maize in cultivation[**] was
indeed Bt11 maize that had not been compromised by the presence
of Bt10 maize. Hence the GMO Panel could conclude its risk
assessment and finalised its opinion on the safety of Bt11 maize
which was adopted on 20 April 2005 and published on 20 May
apparently Bt10 was not intended to be further developed for
commercial market purposes, Syngenta did not provide
sufficiently comprehensive data for performing a full risk
assessment of Bt10. It is therefore not possible to conclude on
the safety of Bt10 itself. However, information on the newly
inserted genetic material and the protein characterisation
confirmed the presence in Bt10 of a gene (blaTEM) conferring
resistance to the antibiotic ampicillin (see EFSA statement1 of
12 April 2005 for more information on the antibiotic resistance
marker gene). It also showed that the two new proteins, found in
Bt 10 and Bt11 maize, Cry1Ab and PAT, are identical. These
characteristics were addressed in the EFSA Bt11 risk assessment.
Syngenta has estimated that the overall contribution of Bt 10 to
all maize imported from the United States to the European Union
(EU) is extremely low. This estimation is based on the amount of
Bt10 seeds distributed and the area which could potentially have
been planted with Bt10 maize (relative to the total maize
cultivation area). The low potential contamination level of
maize grain imported into the EU with Bt10 would therefore imply
a very low exposure to Bt10 maize and derived products. In
addition, the applicant has confirmed that Bt10 maize has not
been used in sweet corn varieties used for human consumption.
that the two new proteins found in Bt11 and Bt10 are identical,
and on the basis that information provided by Syngenta is
correct – which EFSA cannot independently verify-- it is not
considered likely that the inadvertent contamination of the
imported maize grain with Bt10 poses a safety concern to animals
and consumers. In light of the remaining uncertainties, and
given the impossibility of carrying out a full risk assessment
on Bt10 maize, the European Commission has taken an emergency
measure requiring imports from the US of maize gluten feed and
brewers grain used as animal feed to be certified as free of
more background information about the European Food Safety
Authority, go to:
[**] EFSA-Q-2004-012,
application under Directive 2001/18/EC.
[***] Opinion of the Scientific
Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on a request from the
Commission related to the notification (Reference C/F/96/05.10)
for the placing on the market of insect resistant genetically
modified maize Bt11, for cultivation, feed and industrial
processing, under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC from Syngenta
Seeds, The EFSA Journal (2005) 213, 1-33
[**] EFSA-Q-2004-012,
application under Directive 2001/18/EC.
[***] Opinion of the Scientific
Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on a request from the
Commission related to the notification (Reference C/F/96/05.10)
for the placing on the market of insect resistant genetically
modified maize Bt11, for cultivation, feed and industrial
processing, under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC from Syngenta
Seeds, The EFSA Journal (2005) 213, 1-33