St. Paul, Minnesota
July 25, 2005
The Plant Management Network (PMN), an innovative website
designed for plant and agricultural professionals, is pleased to
welcome the University of Minnesota
as its 25th university partner.
"This partnership will greatly enhance our research, education
and extension missions by providing an excellent image database,
access to four science-based applied research journals, and
links to numerous fact sheets, web-based agricultural resources,
and field trial publications," said Nancy Ehlke, Professor and
Head of the Department of Agronomy and Plant Genetics at the
University of Minnesota.
PMN publishes multi- and inter-disciplinary information, in
addition to making partner-provided information available and
easily accessible. "Although there are many good web sites in
individual states that support the use of Integrated Pest
Management (IPM), I see PMN as an image-rich, easy-to-use
national resource that many of our state and regional faculty
can access for both publishing articles, and disseminating
timely insect, disease, and weed management information," said
Bill Hutchison, Professor and Extension Entomologist at the
University of Minnesota. "PMN is also being used by several
industry and clientele groups, including Certified Crop Advisers
(CCAs)," Hutchison said.
Full access to PMN for all faculty, students, and staff, both on
and off campus, is one of the many benefits of partnering.
"Having searchable full-text access to the four peer-reviewed
journals, in addition to the images database and indexed web
resources truly makes it one-stop shopping for University of
Minnesota students,
staff and faculty. The journals are a great mix of peer-reviewed
articles, news, views, guides, and trial results," said
Katherine Allen, Plant Sciences Librarian at the University of
Minnesota Libraries. "The Plant Management Network is an
innovative and invaluable tool pulling together subject-related
resources from a variety of formats. Having this information
accessible from a single site makes it an easy referral for
librarians to anyone interested in plant health and management,"
added Allen.
The University of Minnesota’s College of Agricultural, Food
and Environmental Sciences is consistently ranked among the top
five colleges of agriculture in the world and is home to faculty
and students who are recognized as global leaders in their
fields. The University of Minnesota Libraries are among the
University's and the state's greatest strategic assets. Housed
in five major facilities and 11 branch sites on the three Twin
Cities campuses, the Libraries provide collections, access, and
service to students, researchers, and citizens of Minnesota and
Other PMN partners include: Syngenta Crop Protection, Pioneer
Hi-Bred, Valent BioSciences Corporation, PBI/Gordon Corporation,
Campbell Scientific, The American Phytopathological Society,
American Society of Agronomy, American Society for Horticultural
Science, Canadian Phytopathological Society, Canadian Society of
Agronomy, CAST, Crop Adviser Institute, CropLife America, Crop
Science Society of America, Entomological Society of America,
National Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants, NCSRP Plant
Health Initiative, Potash & Phosphate Institute, and the Weed
Science Society of America. PMN's partners also include a
growing list of U.S. state land-grant university colleges of
PMN publishes four science-based applied journals -- Applied
Turfgrass Science, Crop Management, Plant Health Progress, and
Forage and Grazinglands -- and includes an image database, three
field trials publications, a plant science database of more than
4,000 fact sheets and other web-based resources, a soybean rust
information center, and a monthly newsletter. PMN also offers
continuing education units to Certified Crop Advisers through
its education and training center. |