July 20, 2005
As part of the
Plant Production and Protection Series, FAO's Crop and Grassland
Service has just published "Fodder oats: A world overview",
edited by J.M. Suttie and S.G. Reynolds.
The 13-chapter book brings together information on the state
of fodder oats worldwide, and is aimed mainly at agronomists
and extension workers. Information from all regions of the
world is provided by contributing authors who are regional
experts in their field and particular attention is given to
countries where fodder oats are, or are becoming, important
in the smallholder sector.
The book also provides some
information on breeding programmes in different regions,
describing e.g. hybridisation, wide crossing and tissue
culture in China.
http://www.fao.org/docrep/008/y5765e/y5765e00.htm or contact
to request a copy. |