Brussels, Belgium
July 15, 2005
The European Food Safety Authority
Public consultation of the working
document "General Surveillance of the Impact of GM Plants"
Invitation for comments: Deadline 15th
September 2005
In accordance
with Article 5(8) and 17(8) of the Regulation (EC) No 1829/2003
on Genetically Modified Food and Feed, the European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA) has published detailed guidance to assist the
applicant in the preparation and presentation of the application
for authorisation of GM food and/or feed (EFSA, 2004).
Chapter 11.4 on “General Surveillance of the impact of GM
plants” of the EFSA guidance document was not finalized and was
left for further consideration by the GMO Panel. The EFSA
working group on PMEM, created in April 2004, organised 6
meetings including a series of three consultation workshops with
different stakeholders (applicants, environmental institutes and
organisations, experts from Member State).
The new version of chapter 11.4 on “General Surveillance of the
impact of GM plants” is now finalized and is published on EFSA
website for written consultation with the public. Note that a
similar written consultation on the chapter 11 “Environmental
Monitoring Plan” (including case specific monitoring) was held
prior to the adoption of the EFSA guidance document.
EFSA and the
GMO Panel decided to consult interested parties before the final
adoption of this document. Therefore, interested parties can
send written comments before 15 September 2005. The outcome
of this consultation will be taken into account during the final
adoption of this document by EFSA’s GMO Panel. |