July 11, 2005
The Alliance of Future Harvest Centers of the
Consultative Group on
International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), a new
initiative to further energize synergies among 15 international
agricultural research institutes, is focusing on strengthening
partnerships with civil society organizations and the private
The Alliance of Future Harvest Centers of the CGIAR is a formal
coalition of the 15 Centers, created to coordinate resources and
programs to optimize collective action on issues and in
geographic areas where it is clear that concerted effort can
significantly increase headway in addressing critical problems.
The Alliance is a logical step in the growing integration of the
Centers' work. It is designed to increase the efficiency,
effectiveness and synergy among Centers and consequently, the
overall performance of the CGIAR system.
This is being done through:
streamlining access to the Centers;
bringing more disciplines and lines of
thought to enhance institutional innovations;
enabling Centers to speak with one voice on
global issues;
achieving cost savings in corporate services;
and resolving conflicts.
Further, the Alliance is facilitating a fast
collective response to rapid changes in the task environment;
creating transparent rules of engagement to improve management
of collective enterprises; and providing resources and
recognition for collective endeavors.
According to Dr William Dar, Director General of
the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT) and the Chair of the Alliance Executive, the
initiative has gathered considerable momentum in the past year.
For instance, the Alliance has achieved significant progress in
developing 'Quick Wins' in sub-Saharan Africa by developing
medium term plans with the sub-regional organizations. It will
also strengthen its support to CGIAR's regional programmatic
alignment initiatives in the region.
The Alliance organized a successful meeting at Entebbe, Uganda,
on 8 June, to accelerate dialogue with partners to develop joint
Medium Term Plans (MTPs) for West and Central Africa (WCA) and
Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA). The Entebbe meeting brought
together representatives from the CGIAR centers, the Forum for
Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), the sub-regional
organizations and the National Agricultural Research Systems.
The other achievements of 2005 have been the
constitution of the Alliance Board, consisting of the Center
Board Chairs. The Center Directors-General are now working
together as the Alliance Executive. An Alliance Charter has been
drafted, complementing the new CGIAR and covering important
aspects of governance across Centers.
Discussions are also underway to locate the Future Harvest
Alliance Office within the premises of the International Fund
for Agricultural Development (IFAD) at Rome, Italy. As the
Alliance develops the capacity for stronger and faster reform,
it expects to create a research delivery system that is open,
partnership oriented and structured around clusters of Centers.
The Alliance is strengthening its position as the third pillar
of the CGIAR system, the first two being the CGIAR Members and
the Science Council. |