Kisumu, Kenya
July 1, 2005
5th, 2005 will mark the first day that Imidazolinone-Resistant
maize (IR-maize), or the Clearfield system, will be used. Eight
years of research will culminate in a launch in Kisumu, Kenya,
and in a ceremony to be presided over by
Kenya Agricultural Research
Institute (KARI) Director Dr. Romano Kiome.
IR-maize, developed by breeding, protects the crop from
Striga, a parasitic weed that has caused major
problems for Sub-Saharan African farmers for over 70 years.
Various control methods have been exercised over the years, but
none have been effective in attacking the weed before its
emergence. The new technology does exactly that: germinating
Striga is killed before it can infect maize roots, and remaining
seeds of the weed are destroyed, reducing weed numbers
dramatically. |