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2004-05 European arable crop profit margins: 4th edition now available
January 31, 2005

Brookes West, today announced the launch of a new publication entitled ‘European arable crop profit margins 2004/2005’.

The book is in its 4th edition and has become of great value to a wide body of organizations with interests in agriculture – farmers, co-operatives, farmer organisations, industry associations and interprofessional bodies, input suppliers, food manufacturers and processors, retailers, farm advisers, farm accountants, government departments, policy administrators, makers and evaluators, non governmental organisations with interests in the rural economy, academics, researchers, consultants and students

Key features include:

  • Coverage of all of the EU 25* plus Turkey: the addition of the Baltic States, Slovenia and Cyprus relative to the 3rd edition

  • Margins for the leading arable crops grown in each country – cereals (soft wheat, durum wheat, feed and malting barley, rye, oats, triticale, maize, rice) oilseeds (rapeseed, sunflower, soyabeans, linseed), pulses (peas and beans), sugar beet, chicory and potatoes (ware and starch)

  • Expenditure per crop hectare on key variable costs including seed, fertiliser and crop protection

  • Profit figures for the latest 2004 harvested crops, including any provision of area support payments

  • Information about new member state accession transition support payments and plans for the Single Farm Payment in the EU 15

  • All data presented in Euros – providing for ease of comparisons across crops and countries

‘The book is a comprehensive reference for anyone with interests in the arable cropping sector across Europe.  This 4th edition has been expanded to include all the new EU member countries and therefore provides a unique and up to date source of information on 25 countries’ said Graham Brookes, author of the publication

* With the exception of Malta

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