February 8, 2005
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
Tropics (ICRISAT) has developed the technology to produce
cytoplasmic male-sterility (CMS) based hybrid pigeonpea from a
cross involving Cajanus cajanifolius, a wild relative of the
cultivated pigeonpea. Plant breeders can now use this technology
to produce stable hybrids for commercialization, which can
almost double the productivity to about 3 tons per hectare, in
comparison to released commercial varieties.
According to Dr William Dar,
Director General of ICRISAT, the new CMS-based pigeonpea hybrid
technology is a breakthrough that takes pigeonpea research into
the next quantum. This technology has overcome some of the
limitations that had been limiting pigeonpea hybrid research for
many years. This research was made possible through ICRISAT's
partnership with the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and private-sector
companies. Using this technology, ICRISAT developed and tested
more than 200 hybrids. In this year's evaluation, three
experimental hybrids showed near-doubled productivity, high
stability and no plant deformity. The new experimental hybrids
have also generated high interest among partners because of
their high productivity, low labor requirement for seed
production and greater drought tolerance.
Pigeonpea (also known as Tuvar Dal
or Arhar dal in India) is annually grown over 4 million hectares
by Indian resource-poor farmers. Prepared and consumed in a
variety of forms, pigeonpea is a cheaper protein source for a
billion people. Since it commands a relatively higher price in
the marketplace, small-holder farmers use it both as a cash
generator and as a house-hold food. In spite of releasing
several varieties in the past, the crop's productivity had
plateaued at low levels, raising concern among scientists and
farmers alike.
The new hybrid technology has
broken the barrier and doubled productivity. Using the CMS-based
hybrid technology, pigeonpea experimental hybrids have been
developed for all the three maturity groups for the crop,
according to Dr KB Saxena,
Principal Pigeonpea breeder at ICRISAT.
While the short-duration pigeonpea
varieties mature between 120 and 140 days, the medium-duration
ones mature between 160 and 180 days, and the long-duration ones
take more than 250 days. The ability to survive water-scarce
situations is higher for the CMS-based hybrids, since they
produce 30 per cent more root mass than other varieties. This is
of significance since pigeonpea is the crop of the water-scarce
regions, and more crop per drop is the need of the farmers. The
roots of this legume have the ability of bringing the nutrients
to the top, and also fix nitrogen in the soil, thereby making it
an excellent intercrop.
The success of CMS hybrid research
lies in ICRISAT's partnership with the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) institutions and private-sector
companies. The Institute is partnering with seven private seed
companies through a Hybrid Parents Research Consortium. The
strongest private-sector support was from the
Maharashtra Hybrid Seed Company
(MAHYCO). In recognition of this support, ICRISAT named the CMS
system as the Barwale CMS System in Pigeonpea, honoring Dr BR
Barwale, Chairman of Mahyco. ICRISAT is providing for the
transfer of CMS technology to ICAR, private sector seed
companies and also the Chinese
Academy of Agricultural Sciences. What is cytoplasmic
male-sterility based hybrid technology for pigeonpea?
The CMS technology involves
crossing the wild relative of pigeonpea Cajanus cajanifolius
with the cultivated variety. Through a series of six backcrosses
(crossing the offspring back with the cultivated variety) a
male-sterile progeny is created, which has the cytoplasm (the
living liquid inside the plant cell) of the wild species and the
nucleus of the cultivated variety. The male sterile progeny
resulting from this cross is then crossed with other fertile
restorer lines, resulting in all fertile offspring.
The need for creating male-sterile
parent was felt because pigeonpea is an often cross-pollinated
plant. By creating male-sterile plants, out-crossing was ensured
by planting them adjacent to the fertile cultivated variety.
Insects did the rest, thereby reducing the labor cost for manual
The CMS hybrid overcomes the
limitations of an earlier generation of pigeonpea hybrids
developed by ICRISAT and partners. During the late 1980s,
ICRISAT had convened an inter-institutional effort in India that
developed the world's first hybrid pigeonpea. But that hybrid
was difficult to produce on a commercial scale, because it used
genetic male sterility - a system that required intensive field
labor to remove any fertile plants to avoid contamination. This
invoked high labor costs and skill requirements among seed
producers. As a result, the hybrid seed industry never fully
realized the potential of the hybrid technology. |