Capte Town, South Africa
January 31, 2005
Cape Times via
Agnet Jan. 31/05
The government has, according to
this story, turned down an application by multi-national Dow
Agrosciences to test its genetically modified (GM) maize in
South Africa.
The anti-GM lobby group African Centre for Biosafety, which
objected to the application, was cited as welcoming the
decision, saying it was "outrageous" that a foreign company had
tried to use SA as a "guinea pig" to test its products for
release in Europe.
The story says that one of the reasons the application was
turned down was because of the potential impact of the
pest-resistant GM maize on non-target organisms.
Dow had said in papers lodged to support its application that
the reason it wanted to run field trials of GM maize in South
Africa was to "gather information to substantiate European Union
The European Commission is to consider Dow's application for
safety approval of its GM maize, TC1507, this year. |