February 1, 2005
A copy of the Proceedings of the
Eighth Asian Maize Workshop is now available in PDF form. The
workshop, which took place during 5 – 8 August 2002 in Bangkok,
Thailand, was titled “New
Technologies and Technology Delivery Systems for the New
Jointly organized
by CIMMYT, Kasetsart
University, and Thailand’s Department of Agriculture, the event
drew more than 150 participants from Asia and invited speakers
from Latin America and Africa.
The 61 papers
included in the proceedings cover molecular tools for maize
improvement, genetics and breeding, crop management, biotic and
abiotic stresses affecting maize, technology adoption and
dissemination, and country reports.
Published by
CIMMYT, it was edited by G. Grinivasan, P.H. Zaidi, B.M.
Prasanna, F. Gonzalez, and K. Lesnick. In addition to the PDF,
seven hundred paper copies are available.
Slated for
September 2005, the Ninth Asian Regional Maize Workshop will
convene in Beijing, China. For
further information, please contact Dr. Zhang Shihuang,
CAAS, Beijing, China. Executive Secretary, Organizing Committee,
9th ARMW. Email:
The PDF can be
found here:
http://www.cimmyt.org/english/docs/proceedings/armw/8tharmw.pdf |