Columbus, Ohio
December 16, 2005
One couldn’t tell from Ohio’s
average corn yield that 2005 was a rough season for growers.
Ohio’s corn yields are on par with the yield trend line, and
better than expected given the weather-related challenges that
faced the crop during the growing season. According to the
Agricultural Statistics Service, the state average is 143
bushels per acre, fourth-best in Ohio’s corn yield history and
tying with production in 1992.
Peter Thomison, an Ohio State
University Extension agronomist, said that yields in the
Ohio Corn Performance Trial averaged about 20 to 25 bushels
lower at test sites in drier southwest Ohio compared to sites in
northern Ohio, which received more rain.
“Southwest, south central and parts of central Ohio experienced
greater drought stress than northern Ohio. Although corn yields
are below the national average (148 bushels per acre), they are
remarkable considering what the crop has faced,” said Thomison,
who holds a partial research appointment with the Ohio
Agricultural Research and Development Center. “It demonstrates a
significant advancement in hybrid genetics that’s occurred
during the past several years.”
Much of the corn crop was replanted after cold, wet weather hit
an early-planted crop in April. Follow that up with hot, dry
conditions during the summer, which resulted in severe stalk
lodging in certain hybrids, and many agronomists were
questioning the performance of the crop come harvest.
“Much of the talk has been corn before the April snow versus the
corn after the April snow, and it was a mixed bag in terms of
performance. Agronomists, seed companies, and Extension
educators were saying that it was the worst year they had ever
seen in terms of replanted corn,” said Thomison. “However, in
much of the state it looks like we dodged another bullet and it
all had to with the timing of the rains.”
And that timing was evident. High yields in northern and western
Ohio fields indicated a near picture-perfect growing season,
while drought across southern Ohio led to premature death, stalk
rot development and subsequent stalk lodging.
“Lodging levels were as high at 100 percent in some hybrids in
southwest Ohio. They just couldn’t handle the stress and stalk
rots, primarily anthracnose and giberella stalk rot,” said
Thomison. “Reports indicated that some corn was lodging even
before it reached maturation. That just showed the magnitude of
the problem.”
Despite the stalk lodging, growers were still able to salvage
their crop and turn out surprisingly good yields.
“Most growers were able to handle lodging, but it required
harvesting more slowly which is costly because it consumes more
fuel,” said Thomison.
Though growers have no control over the weather, they can always
improve their crop performance and boost yields by choosing the
right hybrids that control for stalk lodging, insects and
“Overall, we managed to elude major disease problems, like gray
leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight and diplodia ear rot, but
they will be back at some point in time, so it’s important for
growers to choose hybrids that show resistance to these
yield-limiting diseases,” said Thomison.
Ohio State’s Agronomic Crops Team has just released the results
of the latest
Performance Trial to help growers in their management
The report can be accessed at