August 18, 2005
Source: SciDev.Net
Genetic engineering techniques are frequently proposed as ways
to increase crop yields, especially in areas of the developing
world where the people suffer from malnutrition and agricultural
productivity is low. However, despite 40 years of biochemical
and physiological research, there have been very few cases that
led directly to improved cultivars with better yield.
This research
has greatly improved our understanding of molecular traits and
the factors associated with crop yields. However, the fact that
there are so few examples of this research leading directly to
better crop-yield suggests that we should be cautious how much
molecular biology can improve crop yields in the near term.
The challenge of boosting yield potential
There are two
basic approaches to increasing yield potential:
Increasing plants' overall physiological capacity to produce
harvestable yield under various environmental conditions
(yield potential).
Reducing the effects of biological stresses such as
diseases, insects, and weeds that prevent plants from
reaching their theoretical yield potential.
The first
approach depends on the straightforward logic of identifying a
crop plant's specific function or functions that could be
improved to increase yield potential. Scientists have used this
approach to target particular metabolic 'control points' so that
plant genes thought to limit a crop's basic yielding capacity
could be targeted for improvement.
The concept of
modifying a crucial biochemical or physiological step to achieve
yield increase is not new, however. The advent of 'scientific
agriculture' after World War II resulted in previously
unimagined increases in crop yield. Relatively cheap fertilisers
became available, and the addition of quantities of specific
nutrients to the soil, especially nitrogen, was an important
factor in increasing yields. So also was the development of
plant varieties suitable for high-fertility conditions. National
averages in various countries reached six to eight tons per
But progress
was slow in research aimed at improving specific biochemical or
physiological traits. This was certainly not due to lack of
effort. Scientists identified superior cultivars and
established genetic heritability for some important traits that
they thought were associated with yield. However, few improved
varieties with enhanced yield were developed using this
There are
several explanations for these disappointments. First, the
anticipated benefits were sometimes simply not transferable to
the field situation. The activity of a metabolic pathway can be
enhanced or diminished, but it may be irrelevant in increasing
crop yield.
molecular modification often had a greatly diminished effect on
crop growth as its influence moved up through a crop's
organisational hierarchy, from the molecular level to the
organelle, cellular, organ, plant and crop levels. Biochemical
compensation by other pathways may also moderate the effect of
the original modification
Finally, the
challenge that appears to have often proved to be a critical
limitation was a research structure in which it was difficult to
carry a concept of genetic variation from the process level
through to the development of a viable commercial variety. The
rare successes in the past in developing crop varieties using
this approach illustrate that this research requires integrated,
multidisciplinary teams with career and financial commitments to
sustain long-term research efforts lasting 12 to 15 years.
Possible target traits for genetic transformation
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight
to assimilate carbon. Considerable early excitement was
generated as genetic lines with superior leaf photosynthetic
activity were identified and the photosynthetic capacity was
successfully bred into progeny lines of several crops,
including maize, wheat, and soybean. Disappointment
followed when these 'improved' lines failed to produce yield
The reason
for this disappointment is that the benefits of improved
photosynthesis at the cellular and leaf level do not
translate directly into larger grain yield. In particular,
improved photosynthesis — which boosts carbohydrate
production — may lead to larger vegetative growth, which
will increase the plant's demand for nitrogen. Unless the
plant can take up more nitrogen from the soil, grain yield
may actually decrease. This is because the limited supply
of nitrogen may end up producing bigger plants rather than
more grain. The plant's needs for resources such as
carbohydrates, nitrogen and sulphur need to be addressed
Nitrogen assimilation
In the
past, a plant's nitrogen accumulation has been a crucial
feature of yield increases. Usually, this has resulted from
making more nitrogen available to plants (for example, by
applying nitrogen fertilisers to the soil), and by breeding
new plant varieties that can take up and store more
nitrogen. A key factor in these successes has been
improving the amount of accumulated nitrogen that gets
stored in the grain, rather than being 'locked up' in the
plant's vegetative tissues.
A target
for genetic engineers has been to increase 'nitrogen-use
efficiency.' However, efforts to improve a plant's nitrogen
metabolism by changing its genome are unlikely to succeed
because plant biochemistry is already extremely 'efficient'
in nitrogen uptake and use. It may be difficult to improve
whole plant traits because it seems unlikely that
engineering a single or even a few genes can easily
manipulate these traits.
Seed growth
A large
amount of past research has focused on increasing seed
growth rates and overcoming the problem of seed-embryo
abortion. However, researchers have found that plants are
well endowed with redundancies and backups to optimise grain
production in a range of environments. Plants tend to
compensate for an increase in one factor by decreasing
others. Research has shown that in a community of plants,
if one seed is growing more quickly, the plant compensates
by changing the number of seeds or the duration of seed
growth, resulting in little or no increase in overall yield.
In a few
isolated cases, researchers have succeeded in improving seed
growth rates by genetically engineering plants to be less
sensitive to phosphorus feedback inhibition in the grain.
However, they found that seed growth was accompanied by
increases in the growth of individual plants. As a result,
there was no change in the overall harvest index (the ratio
between the harvested grain and the total accumulated crop
mass) for rice and only a small increase in wheat.
Drought stress
water is a critical limitation on crop yield in many places.
How efficiently a crop uses water directly influences yield
potential, but it is not very flexible because of the
physical and physiological characteristics of gas exchange
in leaves (transpiration). Although there has been some
success in improving water-use efficiency in wheat, any
major increases in yield still depend on more water being
available. This means that the crop must access more soil
water in dry-land conditions.
biochemical and physiological research has focused on
drought tolerance, to enable plants to survive long periods
of drought. However, for most annual grain crops, a drought
severe enough to threaten the plant's survival will
inevitably result in such a low yield that survival is a
moot point. Therefore, there is probably no point in trying
to use inserted genes from so-called 'resurrection plants'
to sustain food production during droughts. The original
premise for the trait is irrelevant to the cropping
Successful research to achieve yield increase
Although this
wealth of research has considerably improved our understanding
of plant growth and crop yield in grain crops, a targeted
approach of increasing specific physiological traits has
resulted in very few improved cultivars with increased yield
potential. The lack of success illustrates the difficulties
involved in translating insights and breakthroughs at the micro
level into real improvements in crop quality at the macro level.
These failures
offer important lessons for molecular genetics research, which
is even further removed from grain yield. The lesson is that
genetic engineering research will probably confront many of the
same obstacles that have limited the impact of previous
biochemical and physiological research.
there are a few successful examples in which physiological
research and genotypic selection has played an integral role in
developing useful new cultivars that produce better yields.
Three such cases are described in boxes 1, 2 and 3.
Box 1:
Heat tolerance in cowpea
the early 1980s researchers under the leadership of
Dr Anthony E. Hall at the University of California,
Riverside, United States, observed that a failure in
seed set was a potential problem in cowpea. They
found that high night-time temperatures were
damaging pollen viability. The research team
identified the sensitive step in pollen formation
where the problem was occurring. A field screen to
identify lines that were heat tolerant was developed
and the tolerant lines were crossed with lines
having desirable agronomic traits. In 1999 the
programme released a heat-tolerant variety of cowpea
for commercial use.
Ehlers J.D., Hall A.E., Patel P.N., Roberts P.A.,
Matthews W.C. 2000. Registration of 'California
Blackeye 27' Cowpea. Crop Science
40:854-855. |
Box 2:
Water-use efficiency in wheat
Water deficits can cause serious losses of yield in
wheat production in Australia. Researchers at the
Australian National University and Plant Industry,
CSIRO in Canberra (Australia) initiated a research
programme to improve the water-use efficiency of
wheat. Measuring this trait proved to be very
difficult and they put considerable effort into
developing a technique for characterising
differences in water-use efficiency among various
lines. Eventually, they identified wheat lines with
superior water use efficiency and used them as
parents in a breeding programme. Ultimately,
several new wheat varieties have been made available
to farmers, which increase yield by up to 10% under
dry conditions.
Rebetzke, G.J., Condon, A.G., Richards R.A.,
Farquhar G.D. 2002. Selection for reduced carbon
isotope discrimination increases aerial biomass and
grain yield of rain-fed bread wheat. Crop
Science 42:739-745. |
Box 3:
Nitrogen fixation in soybean
Soybean has the advantage of being able to
accumulate atmospheric nitrogen through symbiotic
nitrogen fixation. In the 1980s it was shown that
this process was especially sensitive to soil
drying. Differences in sensitivity among soybean
lines were documented. A research team including me
and colleagues at the Universities of Florida and
Arkansas (USA) found that the loss in nitrogen
fixation activity was associated with the
accumulation of ureides, which are the transport
products from nitrogen fixation. We used this
correlation to identify soybean lines with a
nitrogen fixation tolerance to soil drying. Using
these as parental lines, we established a breeding
programme, which will soon release higher-yielding
soybean varieties for non-irrigated conditions.
Sinclair, T.R., Purcell L.C., Vadez V., Serraj R.,
King C.A., Nelson R. 2000. Identification of
soybean genotypes with N2 fixation
tolerance to water deficits. Crop Science
40:1803-1809. |
The rare
successes of increasing crop yield potential by altering a
targeted physiological trait may offer important lessons for
achieving success using GM techniques. It is clear that the
existence of genetic diversity for a particular trait — whether
from natural diversity or transgenic techniques — is only a
small, first step in achieving measurable yield improvements for
farmers. The challenges have been to understand the altered
trait's effect on crop performance in the field and to exploit
the trait in a crop-breeding programme. The examples described
in the boxes had characteristics in common, that were crucial in
achieving success using the physiological approach.
(1) Early assessment of the potential beneficial trait.
Early in each
programme, the researchers gave considerable attention to
understanding and documenting the trait of interest under field
conditions, rather than relying on extrapolations from
laboratory study. Under what conditions would the trait be
beneficial? What are the consequences of trait expression on
crop performance?
genomics, mapping and physiology might enable scientists to
develop molecular hypotheses that begin at the top of the trait
hierarchy rather than in the laboratory. Input from whole-plant
physiologists and agronomists will be needed to make an early
assessment of how proposed genetic modifications might improve
the plant. It may also be advisable to use systems analysis
technology to make an early assessment of the proposed GM trait
or crop's economic or commercial viability.
(2) Effective phenotyping of genetic modifications
A crucial
challenge in using a transgenic approach to improve yield is
forecasting what will happen when a transformed trait is
expressed. Trait expression depends on both the physical
environment in which the plants grow and the genetic environment
into which the trait has been inserted.
The past
successful studies gave considerable attention to characterising
trait expression under a range of field environments. It was
not sufficient simply to know that the genetic advantage existed
in the plant. Rather, it was necessary to document the trait's
level of expression under a range of conditions in which
successful varieties will be commercially grown.
expression requires extensive testing, including evaluating
plant performance and yield in a cropping situation. This is
likely to increase the demand for rapid and inexpensive methods
for phenotyping plants, especially for traits that do not have a
readily visible expression.
(3) Multi-disciplinary effort
The successes
documented in boxes 1 to 3 involved contributions from different
disciplines throughout the research effort, including crop
physiologists, agronomists and breeders. These three
disciplines are still important and necessary in developing GM
plants offering new genetic variability. The molecular genetic
approach merely adds a further layer to this team. Indeed,
system and environmental analysts may need to be involved as
well, to assess where and when the expression of a GM trait
might be commercially beneficial.
The GM
approach will likely need early involvement of all disciplines
simply to move the new plants forward for field assessment. In
past successes, researchers used early field screening to
identify candidate lines with both the desired trait and a
reasonable capacity for growth under field conditions. GM
plants may require early attention from all participants, to
move the trait into more viable plant material before starting
trait assessments.
interactive, team-based approach will require the team to be
well integrated and coordinated at all stages of the research
programme. This will probably present new challenges,
especially for public research organisations.
(4) Long-term commitment
The examples
show that it took 12 to15 years to move from the initial studies
of a physiological trait to the release of a commercial variety
with improved yield. Although the molecular genetics approach
can speed up some of the steps involved, additional efforts to
fully document the consequences of introducing a new trait could
well offset this gain. It seems likely that a successful
programme to generate improved cultivars will require a team of
scientists to work together for more than a decade. This may be
difficult because the traditional time horizons among the
various disciplines tend to differ widely. Further, commitment
to a team effort may be difficult when the probability of
individual recognition may not be high.
The greatest
limitation, however, may be the financial commitment required
for long-term team research. Public funding based on a series
of two- to three-year grants does not encourage initiating team
research to undertake a high-risk, multi-year project. Private
companies may be in no better position to fund long-term
research, because of the large uncertainty about eventually
generating a commercially viable product.
Reprinted from
Trends in
Plant Science,
9, Sinclair
et al,
Crop transformation and the challenge to increase yield
potential, pp 70-75, Copyright (2004), with permission from
Elsevier |