Wooster, Ohio
August 18, 2005
This is part of a periodic
series on information regarding soybean rust. The goal is to
provide media with the latest updates on the disease and Ohio
State’s role in research and education. These updates are
expected to continue throughout 2005.
Evaluations of Ohio’s 45 sentinel plots two weeks after remnants
from Hurricane Dennis dumped rains through the Midwest in July
have found no hints of soybean rust infections.
Ohio State University Extension
educators will scout the plots one final time for any spores
that would have ridden on the coattails of the storm system
before declaring Ohio officially out of the woods.
“Is there a chance that we might still get some soybean rust in
Ohio? It’s possible. If we were to get disease buildup in other
parts of the country, we get a late hurricane, say in September,
and we have a lot of late-season beans, there might be a
chance,” said Anne Dorrance, an OSU Extension plant pathologist
and the state’s leading soybean rust researcher. “Would we need
to spray in that situation? It’s very unlikely because there
won’t be enough time between then and maturity. Inoculum would
be so low and soybeans are already at the R3-R6 stages that it
wouldn’t impact yields anyway.”
The furthest north that soybean rust has been reported in
growers’ soybean fields so far this growing season is Georgia
and Alabama, with storm systems from Florida to blame for
spreading spores. Soybean rust has also been found in
Mississippi, and reports of soybean rust finds are expected to
continue in infected states throughout the season, according to
the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
“It took a very long time to build up enough inoculum for it to
finally be found in growers’ fields, and even in the fields it’s
been found in, it’s been in very localized areas,” said
Dorrance, a researcher with Ohio State’s Ohio Agricultural
Research and Development Center. “At this point it would take a
lot of inoculum to infect a lot of soybean leaves, which have to
build up to a large number of spores to spread infections before
it can even begin to reach southern Ohio. And that possibility
is remote.”
Dorrance said that specialists nationwide will continue to
monitor sentinel plots throughout the winter to determine
survivability of soybean rust spores.
“We need to focus on managing this disease and avoiding this
bridge from the fall to the next spring so that we always have
low levels of inoculum at the beginning of each season,” said
Dorrance. “Hopefully the cold winters will help us do that.”
Research has shown that soybean rust cannot survive in cold
temperatures, which makes the disease’s life in Ohio — even if
found late in the season — short lived.
Soybean rust is an aggressive fungus caused by either of two
fungal species, Phakopsora pachyrhizi, also known as the Asian
species, and Phakopsora meibomiae, the New World species. The
Asian species, the one found in the United States, is the more
aggressive of the two species, causing more damage to soybean
Last year the disease was identified in eight states, spreading
as far north and west as Missouri.
For the latest in soybean rust development, log on to USDA’s
soybean rust monitoring Web site at http://www.sbrusa.net. For
additional information on soybean rust, log on to Ohio State’s
Agronomic Crops Network Web site at
http://agcrops.osu.edu/soybean. |