Woden, ACT, Australia
July 29, 2005
Application for Licence for
Commercial Release of GMOs Into the Environment: Application No.
DIR 059/2005 Commercial release of herbicide tolerant (Roundup
Ready Flex® MON 88913) and herbicide tolerant/insect resistant
(Roundup Ready Flex® MON 88913/Bollgard II®) cotton south of
latitude 22° South in Australia
Your chance to
comment on the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan for
dealings involving commercial release of genetically modified
cotton in areas south of latitude 22° South in Australia: DIR
The Office
of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) has received an
application under section 40 of the Gene Technology Act 2000
(the Act) from Monsanto
Australia Limited (Monsanto) which, if approved, would
intentional release of genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) into the Australian environment.
Details of DIR 059/2005 are as follows:
Monsanto is seeking approval for unrestricted, commercial scale
planting of herbicide
tolerant (Roundup Ready Flex® MON 88913) and
herbicide tolerant/insect resistant (Roundup Ready Flex®
MON 88913/Bollgard II®) GM cotton. The company
anticipates a phased introduction commencing with up to 20,000
hectares in spring 2006 in the current cotton growing areas of
New South Wales and southern Queensland. The area is expected to
be increased in subsequent years and may include plantings in
other areas south of latitude 22° South that are suitable for
growing cotton. The GM cottons may also be planted on a small
scale for evaluation trial and demonstration, education and
research purposes.
Monsanto proposes to use the GM cotton plants
and their by-products, including cottonseed, in the same manner
as non-GM or other commercially released GM cotton, including
selling lint, exporting seed, and for use in human food and as
stockfeed. Monsanto also proposes unrestricted transport of the
GM cottons and their products in areas south of latitude 22°
South. However, transportation of ginned cottonseed from the
release to areas north of latitude 22° South would be in
accordance with the OGTR guidelines for transportation of GMOs.
The Regulator’s decision
whether or not to issue a licence in response to this
application must be based upon an assessment that evaluates
risks to people and/or the environment. However,
cultivation of
these GMOs may be otherwise restricted in some States and
Territories by laws that prohibit the commercial release of
certain GMOs on marketing grounds. Accordingly, in addition to
any licence that may be issued by me under the Act and
corresponding State and Territory laws, the commercial release
of these GMOs
in some jurisdictions may require additional approvals from that
State or Territory Government.
Purpose of this
As the Gene Technology Regulator, I would
like to advise people who have previously expressed interest in
knowing about work with GMOs in Australia that they now have the
opportunity to access information about this application,
including the application itself.
You can obtain a copy of the application from
my Office (see contact details below). When contacting the
office, please quote the reference number of the application you
are interested in. As the application is quite lengthy, you may
prefer to view a summary of the application, which is posted on
our website with this document (under “What’s New”). If you
would like to receive a hard copy of the summary, please contact
us and we will post it to you.
A comprehensive ‘Risk Assessment and Risk
Management Plan’ (RARMP) for this application is now being
prepared with input from a broad range of expert groups and
stakeholders, including State and Territory Governments,
relevant local councils, key Australian Government agencies, the
Minister for the Environment and Heritage and the Gene
Technology Technical Advisory Committee. The RARMP is expected
to be released for public comment in
October 2005. The Act specifies a
30 day minimum consultation period. However, at this stage I
anticipate allowing
weeks for submissions to be received.
Please note that issues such as food
labelling, herbicide use, and marketability or trade
implications posed by the commercialisation of GM crops in
Australia do not fall within the scope of assessments
conducted under the Act.
If you have questions about the application,
or the preparation of the RARMP, please contact us at:
The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator
PO Box 100
Woden, ACT, 2606
Website: www.ogtr.gov.au
E-mail: ogtr@health.gov.au
Phone: 1800 181 030
Fax: (02)
6271 4202
059/2005 - cotton licence application summary
Questions & Answers on decision on Licence DIR 059/2005:
Commercial Release of Genetically Modified Cotton
If you are interested in knowing more about
the Gene Technology Act 2000 and development of the
regulatory system, please visit this link:
http://www.ogtr.gov.au/about/index.htm. |