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Report on the in-house validation of a detection method for event Bt10 maize using a qualitative PCR assay

Brussels, Belgium
April 26, 2005

European Commission
Directorate General JRC
Joint Research Center
Institute for Health and Consumer Protection
Community Reference Laboratory for GM Food and Feed

Report on the In-House Validation of a Detection Method for Event Bt10 Maize using a Qualitative PCR Assay


Following the Commission Decision of 18 April 2005 (2005/317/EC) 'on emergency measures regarding the non-authorized genetically modified organism Bt10 in maize products", the JRC as Community Reference Laboratory (CRL) for the GM Food and Feed, Regulation EC 1829/2003), has carried out an in-house validation of the event-specific detection method proposed by GeneScan on Bt10 maize developed by Syngenta Crop Protection AG. The validation was conducted according to internationally accepted guidelines.

Syngenta Crop Protection AG provided the DNA samples (genomic DNA extracted from the Bt10 maize line and from a control wild type maize line). GeneScan provided the event-specific detection method based on a qualitative PCR assay.

The rest of the JRC validation demonstrated that the method reliably detects an amplification product specific for Bt10 maize, and therefore allows discriminating event Bt10 from other GM-events in maize lines. The sensitivity of the method is below 0.1%.
The absolute LOD of the method is below 20 copies. This corresponds to less than 0.1% in relative terms when 50 ng are analyzed in PCR.
Bt10 can be selectively detected also when present in low concentration in mixture with Bt11.

The method is therefore considered by the CRL as fit for the purpose of Bt10 detection and is the only accepted to certify the presence of Bt10 in maize commodities in accordance with the Commission Decision 2005/317/EC.

Validation report in PDF format:

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