Washington, DC
April 25, 2005
Source: Institute of
Food Technologists
Relief from
soaring prices at the gas pump could come in the form of
corncobs, cornstalks, switchgrass and other types of biomass,
according to a joint feasibility study for the departments of
Agriculture and
The recently completed Oak Ridge
National Laboratory report outlines a national strategy in
which 1 billion dry tons of biomass – any organic matter that is
available on a renewable or recurring basis – would displace 30
percent of the nation’s petroleum consumption for
transportation. Supplying more than 3 percent of the nation’s
energy, biomass already has surpassed hydropower as the largest
domestic source of renewable energy, and researchers believe
much potential remains.
“Our report answers several key questions,” said Bob Perlack, a
member of ORNL’s Environmental Sciences Division and a co-author
of the report. “We wanted to know how large a role biomass could
play, whether the United States has the land resources and
whether such a plan would be economically viable.”
Looking at just forestland and agricultural land, the two
largest potential biomass sources, the study found potential
exceeding 1.3 billion dry tons per year. That amount is enough
to produce biofuels to meet more than one-third of the current
demand for transportation fuels, according to the report.
Such an amount, which would represent a six-fold increase in
production from the amount of biomass produced today, could be
achieved with only relatively modest changes in land use and
agricultural and forestry practices.
“One of the main points of the report is that the United States
can produce nearly 1 billion dry tons of biomass annually from
agricultural lands and still continue to meet food, feed and
export demands,” said Robin Graham, leader for Ecosystem and
Plant Sciences in ORNL’s Environmental Sciences Division.
The benefits of an increased focus on biomass include increased
energy security as the U.S. would become less dependent on
foreign oil, a potential 10 percent reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions and an improved rural economic picture.
Current production of ethanol is about 3.4 billion gallons per
year, but that total could reach 80 billion gallons or more
under the scenario outlined in this report. Such an increase in
ethanol production would see transportation fuels from biomass
increase from 0.5 percent of U.S. consumption in 2001 to 4
percent in 2010, 10 percent in 2020 and 20 percent in 2030. In
fact, depending on several factors, biomass could supply 15
percent of the nation’s energy by 2030.
Meanwhile, biomass consumption in the industrial sector would
increase at an annual rate of 2 percent through 2030, while
biomass consumption by electric utilities would double every 10
years through 2030. During the same time, production of
chemicals and materials from bio-based products would increase
from about 12.5 billion pounds, or 5 percent of the current
production of target U.S. chemical commodities in 2001, to 12
percent in 2010, 18 percent in 2020 and 25 percent in 2030.
Nearly half of the 2,263 million acres that comprise the land
base of the U.S. has potential for growing biomass. About 33
percent of the land area is classified as forest, 26 percent as
grassland, 20 percent as cropland, 13 percent as urban areas,
swamps and deserts, and 8 percent as special uses such as public
The report, titled “Biomass as Feedstock for a Bioenergy and
Bioproducts Industry: The Technical Feasibility of a Billion-Ton
Annual Supply,” was sponsored by DOE’s Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renwable Energy, Office of Biomass Program. Lynn
Wright and Anthony Turhollow of ORNL, Bryce Stokes of the USDA
Forest Service and Don Erbach of the USDA Agriculture Research
Service are co-authors of the report.
complete report is available in PDF format (very large file) at: