Brussels, Belgium
April 21, 2005Today the
European Commission has published in the Official Journal of the
European Union (C96 of 21.04.05) the list of members of the
Advisory Group of the Food chain and Animal and Plant Health.
This advisory group formalises the existing consultation between
the Commission and relevant stakeholders on its programme of
work in the fields of food and feed safety, animal health and
welfare, plant health and human nutrition. Markos Kyprianou,
Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection, said : " In
line with our commitment to good governance, the Commission
wants to reinforce the process of informing and consulting
representative organisations of consumers and professionals
during the preparation, evaluation and revision of food
legislation. This Advisory Group will play a key role in the
consultation of all representative stakeholders from an early
stage and make the consultation process more transparent."
More information:
Why has the Advisory Group
on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health been established?
The establishment of an
Advisory Group on the Food Chain and Animal and Plant Health was
foreseen in the General Food Law regulation of 2002, to
formalise and reinforce the transparent consultation of
stakeholders on EU policy related to the food and feed chain. In
August 2004, the Commission adopted a decision to create this
group, and the call for applications was launched on 25 August
What will be the role of the
Advisory Group?
The Advisory Group will provide
input into the preparation, revision and evaluation or
legislative proposals. As part of the public consultation
process, members can ask the competent Commission services about
issues of particular relevance to their sector. This
consultation process will play a key role in the development of
Commission policy in the areas of food and feed safety, animal
health and welfare, plant health and human nutrition and on the
main legislative proposals within these fields. The group will
meet at least twice a year and be chaired by the Commission.
How were the members
Following a call for
applications, the Commission received more than one hundred
responses from a wide range of professional organisations from
primary production to food and feed production, transportation,
storage, the distribution and retail sectors as well as from
consumer organisations and NGOs. In accordance with criteria set
on the basis of Commission decision 2004/613/EC, the Commission
selected 36 members from these applications.
What criteria were used to
decide the members of the Advisory Group?
In order to be considered for
membership of the Advisory Group, applicants were required to be
EU or trans-national organisations representing bodies in all or
most Member States. The objectives of the organisation need to
be of general interest and linked to food and feed policy.
Members must have an office in Brussels, an adequate level of
resources to allow swift and coordinated reactions from members
and make an active contribution to Commission activities.
Applications from local,
regional, national and non-EU associations were not considered,
nor were those from private companies, service providers,
mono-sectoral associations or organisations dealing with issues
outside the scope of food and feed policy.
Can organisations which are
not members of the Advisory Group still take part in Health and
Consumer Protection stakeholder consultations?
Organisations which were not
selected as members to the Advisory Group can still participate
in ad hoc working groups on specific health and consumer
protection issues that they have an interest in. In addition,
there is the possibility for the Commission to invite non-member
organizations to take part in an Advisory Group meeting as
observers if the issue being discussed is of particular
relevance to them. |