September 15, 2004They
say you can never be too rich or too thin. In the case of lupin
seed coat, or hull, and pod wall, the latter is certainly true.
Five years of research
supported by the Grains
Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and the
Australian Government has focused on decreasing both.
The latest project, supervised
by Jon Clements of the
University of Western Australia, aims to reduce the coat
proportion of seed to 15 per cent. Mostly cellulose, seed coat
makes up about 24 per cent of the narrow leaf lupin seed.
Presenting at a
Centre for Legumes in
Mediterranean Agriculture seminar, Dr Clements explained his
GRDC-supported project indicated that reductions in pod wall
proportion are associated with increased yields in both
narrow-leafed lupin and albus lupin.
Reducing the proportion of seed
coat could increase kernel yield by six per cent - worth an
extra $14/ha on the basis that kernels are worth 25 per cent
more than whole grain in rations.
A thick seed coat makes
de-hulling difficult and expensive and reduces the metabolisable
energy levels found in the narrow leaf lupin. Reduced seed coat
also increases metabolic energy, oil and protein, while a
reduced pod wall could increase yield.
Seed coat percentage decreases
as seed weight increases, prompting the strategy to breed for
bigger seed size.
Thinner seed coat and pod wall
genotypes have been identified in germplasm and mutant
populations, which are now being crossed to produce improved
genotypes able to be rapidly incorporated into the lupin
breeding program.
Seed coat percentage, which
appears not to differ, on average, between wild or domestic and
hard seeded or soft seeded varieties, was low in wild plants
from Turkey, Greece and Cyprus and pod wall was lower in plants
from Spain, Cyprus and Greece.
The project has focussed on the
identification of improved narrow leaf, yellow and albus lupin
germplasm, with the researchers assessing 1425 accessions and 10
species from 28 countries. |