London, United Kingdom
September 14, 2004
A report on the outcome of the
potato ring rot Lessons Learned review is published today.
The remit of this review was twofold. First, to assess the
procedures and practices that were adopted during the outbreak,
and second to review the Government and industry measures that
are in place to protect against this disease.
The review was limited to the UK's first outbreak but some of
the conclusions have already been helpful in responding to the
second ring rot finding, identified on 30 July. Increased
monitoring of stocks produced under the Seed Potato
Classification Scheme in 2004 is also being carried out, as an
interim measure in advance of consideration of the
recommendation to increase pre-planting testing of stocks being
entered in this scheme in future.
The report, which includes 54 recommendations, has been
submitted to the Plant Health Minister, Ben Bradshaw.
The review was co-ordinated by a team of officials from Defra
and the NFU and a wide range of individuals and organisations
involved with the outbreak, in the UK and overseas, were invited
to contribute.
On receiving the report, Ben Bradshaw commented: "I am pleased
to receive this report and its recommendations.
"The first ring rot outbreak was a very difficult time for all
concerned, particularly the grower on the outbreak farm. I am
pleased that he and all others involved have had this
opportunity to step back and review how the outbreak was handled
and, more generally, to consider whether changes are needed to
Government and industry measures to protect against this
"The report is very timely, not least because we are now dealing
with a second outbreak of ring rot. I want to ensure that if
changes are needed they are introduced as quickly as possible. I
have therefore asked the Head of Plant Health, Dr Stephen
Hunter, to assess each of the recommendations and to report back
to me by the end of October, to allow time to implement any
changes necessary in time for the 2005 planting season."
Printed copies of the Lessons Learned report (product code
PB10073) are available from :
Defra Publications
Admail 6000
Tel: 08459 556000
2. The Defra website provides further details about ring rot at: This includes a
report into the first outbreak at and
progress on dealing with the second outbreak at |