Wednesday’s failure to agree GM
seed thresholds is a mark of a “lame duck” European Commission,
claims a centre-left MEP.
UK Socialist MEP Linda McAvan
is disappointed by the move to postpone a controversial decision
– probably until José Manuel Barroso’s new commission team takes
over on November 1st.
“We have a lame duck
commission,” she told “They don’t want to take
tough decisions, the sooner we get a new commission the better.”
Controversial EU proposals on
establishing GM trace thresholds for seeds have been withdrawn
by Brussels chiefs after deep divisions emerged.
The proposals which would allow
for 0.3 per cent of GM traces to be present in oilseed rape and
maize seed was pulled from the commission’s agenda as the EU
executive gathered for its weekly meeting.
A commission spokesman
suggested that the commission intended to seek further guidance
and clarification on the subject.
“The file is not yet mature for
decision,” said the spokesperson.
Reacting to the decision,
prominent anti-GM campaigner and MEP Jill Evans, said she was
“very pleased” with the delay.
“We called on the commission
not to go ahead with the decision today, because it was going
against the views of the European Parliament on co-existence,”
said Evans.
“It really undermines the whole
essence of co-existence policy, if they were going to allow this
level of contamination.”