Arlington, Virginia
September 28, 2004
Five interdisciplinary research
teams will share some $25 million from the
U.S. National Science Foundation
(NSF) over the next five years to study important aspects of
problems associated with understanding climate-related decisions
under uncertainty.
centers will be located at Arizona State, Carnegie-Mellon and
Columbia universities. Other interdisciplinary teams will be
conducting research at the University of Colorado at Boulder and
Rand Corporation in Santa Monica, Calif.
The increased
knowledge generated by recent scientific research on the causes
and consequences of climate change and variability has led to a
growing need to better understand how decision makers make
choices among the alternative courses of action.
According to
Cheryl Eavey, NSF’s program officer for the Decision Making
Under Uncertainty (DMUU) projects, “NSF expects these teams to
produce new insights of interest to the academic community,
generate significant educational benefits and develop new tools
that will benefit policy makers, decision makers and many
different stakeholders.”
The Decision
Center for a Desert City (DCDC) at Arizona State University will
use nearby Phoenix as a laboratory for studying adaptation
strategies, particularly related to water management in an arid
climate. The city’s past successes in managing its water supply
are being challenged by current drought conditions. The DCDC
will seek to engage scientists and decision makers in studying
research questions and experimenting with new methods to better
understand how to make decisions that reduce this urban region’s
vulnerability to climate uncertainty. Results are expected to
provide support to decision makers in similar situations all
over the world.
At Carnegie
Mellon University’s Climate Decision Making Center, researchers
will focus on how to deal with irreducible uncertainties, or the
current limits that exist to accurate predictions of climate
change and its impacts, including costs and policy decision
implications. The center will create, illustrate and evaluate
decision strategies that incorporate uncertainties. It will
focus on the real problems of several groups:
- insurance managers
exposed to the risks of climate change and low-carbon energy
- forest, fisheries and
ecosystem managers in the Pacific Northwest and Western
- Arctic-region decision
makers trying to balance economic development and
preservation of traditional lifestyles
- electric utility
managers facing investment decisions affected by climate
change risks.
At Columbia
University, a new Center for the Study of Individual and Group
Decision Making Under Climate Uncertainty will study
decision-making processes on multiple scales. The focus of the
center will integrate psychological insights with those of other
social sciences – from individuals’ mental processes to the
interplay of individual and group decision making, to how
individuals and groups interact with organizations. Research on
these topics will feed directly into designing and testing
decision tools, as well as institutional strategies and
educational interventions (including segments for the Weather
Channel) that will help people to better understand the impacts
of climate change and their response options.
University of Colorado at Boulder’s Science Policy Assessment
and Research on Climate (SPARC) team will examine decision
makers’ expectations about what science can deliver, whether
policy makers can use available information, and what future
information might be useful to them. SPARC will seek to expand
the available policy options by exploring what actions make
sense under climate change.
The Rand
Corporation research team will conduct fundamental research on
different characterizations of uncertainty and develop
quantitative tools on decision making, drawing upon interactions
with decision makers from long-term management of water supplies
in California, and in the design of observation systems to
provide warning of abrupt climate change.
program is providing the funding for the research efforts as
part of NSF's priority area in Human and Social Dynamics.
Results will contribute to the president’s multi-agency Climate
Change Research Initiative.
For more information on NSF's Human and Social
Dynamics priority area, see:
For information on the Climate Change Research
Initiative, see:
National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal
agency that supports fundamental research and education across
all fields of science and engineering, with an annual budget of
nearly $5.58 billion. NSF funds reach all 50 states through
grants to nearly 2,000 universities and institutions. Each year,
NSF receives about 40,000 competitive requests for funding, and
makes about 11,000 new funding awards. The NSF also awards over
$200 million in professional and service contracts yearly. |