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4th ISTA Proficiency Test on GMO Testing on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) announcement
Bassersdorf, Switzerland
September 24, 2004

4th ISTA Proficiency Test on GMO Testing on Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Announcement

Dear Colleague,
We would like to address the request to participate in the 4th ISTA Proficiency Test on GMO Testing to all laboratories which participated in a previous round or are interested in the fourth round.
After performing three rounds on Zea mays L. there will be a change in the species for the 4th round to Soybean.
1. Aim
The aim of the proficiency test is to check the ability of individual laboratories to detect the presence or absence and to quantify the presence of GM seeds in samples of conventional seed of Glycine max (L.) Merr.
The results of the proficiency test rounds are intended to be used by the laboratories for their internal performance evaluation. At this stage performance in the tests, based in voluntary participation, will remain without consequences for the participants. Once GMO testing will become part of the laboratories' scope of accreditation, the results from voluntary proficiency tests on GMO testing, may, upon agreement by the laboratory, be used in the accreditation process. This will in essence speed up the accreditation procedure for laboratories that did participate on a high performance level.

2. Sample description

Each participating laboratory will receive 12 soybean test samples. The 12 test samples will be labelled only with an identification number provided by ISTA. Samples will contain approximately 3000 seeds. This number will not be exact as samples will be prepared on the basis of an average 1000 seeds weight. Some of the samples will be positive (i.e. contain GMO seeds) and others will be negative (i.e. contain no GMO seeds). Laboratories will have to prepare the flours from seed samples.

3. Obligatory qualitative test

As in previous ISTA Proficiency Tests, a qualitative result is requested. This result can be either derived from the estimation of % made by the laboratory, or from another test on the sample.

4. Obligatory quantification of GMO in positive samples

In this 4th Proficiency Test, laboratories must quantify the GMO level in the positive samples either by a semi-quantitative test (sub-sampling strategy) or by a quantitative test.
It is obligatory to report an estimate of % of GM seeds per test sample.
In case of Sub-sampling quantification (Semi-quantitative test) In case of Quantitative test
The laboratory will report the number of sub-samples, the size of the sub-samples and the number of positive sub-samples. These elements can be used to compute and estimate of a % of GM seeds in the sample. Seedcalc6 freely available on the ISTA web site can perform this computation. The laboratory will report the GMO level of the test sample. The results shall be given in % of GM seeds in the sample. Laboratories can use the method they think appropriate for this test.

The laboratory can also provide the results in percent seed by mass, percent by protein, percent by DNA copies, or any other bio-molecular determinant by percent. This is not obligatory but laboratories are strongly encouraged to provide these other types of results if they have such.
For this proficiency test reference material for roundup ready can be used by the laboratories. GM seeds in the samples have the genes 35S Promotor, the NOS Terminator and the CP4 EPSPS. (The CP4 EPSPS gene encode the 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase, which confers tolerance to glyphosate (RoundupÒ) herbicide).
Certified reference material at different levels can be obtained through Sigma-Aldrich

5. Participation fee
The participation fee of 250 CHF (approx. 190 US$) for the 4th ISTA Proficiency Test on GMO Testing covers costs such as for seed material, sampling preparation, GMO purity and phytosanitary tests, package as well as the priority postal service.
ISTA Members do not have to pay a participation fee. Direction of the payment will be sent to the participating laboratories after their registration.

6. Registration for the 4th Proficiency Test on GMO Testing
Please send an email to the ISTA Secretariat ( or fax (+41-1-838-6001) including the name of the responsible person and laboratory, airmail address (for delivery of samples), phone and fax number.
7. Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Participating laboratories in the 4th ISTA Proficiency Test on GMO Testing are kindly requested to sign the Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) with ISTA. It will be not possible to participate without signing it.
ISTA itself has to sign a MTA with the seed company in order to receive the seeds required for the proficiency test. The signature will automatically indicate your participation. Participants of previous proficiency test rounds will find the MTA enclosed with this announcement. Otherwise the MTA will be sent to you upon your registration for the proficiency test. You are kindly asked to check if the name and address of the responsible person is correct on the MTA provided and inform the ISTA Secretariat if changes are necessary. You are kindly requested to submit two signed copies of the Material Transfer by airmail (ISTA Secretariat, P.O. Box 308, 8303 Bassersdorf, Switzerland) and fax (+41-1-838-6001) to the ISTA Secretariat. You will get one copy of the MTA in return, signed by the Secretary General of ISTA.

8. Shipping
The distribution of the samples to the laboratories will start on October 21st, 2004. In case of late registration the last samples for this round will be sent out on November 12th, 2004. The results are expected to be reported to the ISTA Secretariat latest by January 15th, 2005. Each participant will receive a report about the results of this proficiency test. Of course, the identity of the individual laboratories will be kept confidential.
The package you will receive will contain 12 samples, each of about 3000 seeds of Glycine max, in total about 7.5 kg. The seeds are not treated. The samples are packed in hermetically sealed plastic bags and the shipment will be labelled as 'seeds for destructive laboratory tests'. If necessary, a phytosanitary certificate will be attached. If you need further information about the shipment in order to facilitate the import into your country or you can provide us special conditions for sending the samples to you, please attach this information to your reply with the signed MTA.

9. Time schedule
1. Registration by interested participants starting October 1st, 2004
2. MTA for signing and directions of payment sent to participant upon receipt of registration e-mail
3. Participant sends back the signed MTA and make payment before October 15th, 2004
4. Samples will be distributed to participants starting October 21st , 2004
5. Submission of test results to the ISTA Secretariat before January 15th, 2005
6. Performance results will be distributed to participants February 22nd, 2005

Thanks for your interest, we are looking forward to a successful proficiency test.
With kind regards,
Dr. Michael Muschick
ISTA Secretary General
Address: ISTA Secretariat, P.O. Box 308, CH-8303 Bassersdorf, Switzerland
Phone: +41-1-838-6000   Fax: +41-1-838-6001  E-mail:

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