October 29, 2004
The European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) Scientific Panel
on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO Panel) has published
today a statement reaffirming the conclusions of its risk
assessment adopted on 2 April 2004 confirming the safety of MON
863 maize1.
On 20 September 2004 the
Regulatory Committee under Directive 2001/18/EC discussed a
draft Commission decision on the authorization for the placing
on the market of genetically modified maize MON 863. Following
discussions concerning another evaluation, submitted by German
authorities, of one of the studies reviewed
by the EFSA Panel, the European Commission decided to postpone
the vote on MON 863 maize. The Commission has sought scientific
advice from EFSA as to whether this new evaluation might have
any impact on the former opinions issued by the GMO Panel
related to MON 863 maize.
Following further investigation
and careful consideration of the recently published information2
made available to EFSA, the GMO Panel concluded that the
evidence presented does not affect its previous scientific
advice with regards to MON 863. In its opinion, the GMO Panel
concluded that “the placing on the market of MON 863 maize is
unlikely to have an adverse effect on human and animal health or
on the environment, in the context of its intended use.”
The statement of the GMO Panel
opinion is available on the EFSA web site at:
1 EFSA, 2004a.
Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Genetically Modified
Organisms on a request from the
Commission related to the Notification (Reference C/DE/02/9) for
the placing on the market of insect-protected genetically
modified maize MON 863 and MON 863 x MON 810, for import and
processing, under Part C of Directive 2001/18/EC from Monsanto,
The EFSA Journal (2004) 49, 1-25.
Statement of the Scientific
Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms on an evaluation of the
13-week rat feeding study on MON 863 maize, submitted by the
German authorities to the European Commission
adopted on 20 October 2004
Statement in PDF format: