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Potato Ring Rot in the UK: outcome of lesson learned exercise
London, United Kingdom
October 28, 2004

The outcome of an evaluation into the recommendations arising from the potato ring rot Lessons Learned review is published today.

Ben Bradshaw has accepted 53 of the 54 recommendations included in the Lessons Learned report. The only recommendation rejected was that a mock exercise should be carried out for contingency planning purposes, to test Defra's response to various scenarios which might be experienced in dealing with a ring rot outbreak. This recommendation has been overtaken by events, in dealing with the UK's second and now third ring rot outbreaks.

Of the recommendations accepted, the majority of these have either already been acted on, or will be implemented in the coming months. However, a small number require more detailed consideration and discussion with industry organisations. These include monitoring arrangements for domestically produced and imported seed potatoes, monitoring of seed potatoes moving outside the classification scheme and notification arrangements for seed potatoes intended for planting.

On the first of these issues, there has already been an interim response to the Lessons Learned recommendation, which has seen the introduction of enhanced sampling and testing arrangements for seed potatoes progressing through the Seed Potato Classification Scheme. This is in addition to the measures already in place for seed potatoes from other EU member states entering that Scheme, whereby all consignments are tested for ring rot (and brown rot) prior to planting. It is proposed that these measures, including the enhanced arrangements, will continue to operate and be funded by Defra while the consultation on options for future arrangements and how they should be resourced is carried out.

On receiving the evaluation report, Ben Bradshaw commented:

"I am pleased to accept 53 of the 54 recommendations made in the Lessons Learned review.

"The majority of these recommendations concern issues which have either already been acted on, or can be introduced in the short term. For the few issues where further work is necessary, I appreciate that these are areas where those in the industry particularly will be looking for answers, but it is important that these issues are considered carefully and comprehensively, as it is in no-one's interest to make changes which are not sustainable in the long term.

"Therefore, as regards monitoring and notification arrangements, including funding for any proposed new system, I am proposing that there should be a further period of consultation, during which all the options can be further explored and discussed with those in the industry. The aim will be to seek agreement on these key issues before the 2006/07 financial year. In the meantime, I am happy to confirm that the current monitoring arrangements, including the enhanced measures introduced as an interim response to the Lessons Learned review, which focus particularly on seed potatoes progressing through the Seed Potato Classification Scheme, will continue to apply and be funded by Defra during 2005."


1. The decision to undertake a Lessons Learned review into the UK's first potato ring rot outbreak was announced in press release 64/04.
The complete text of the Lessons Learned report is available  Printed copies (product code PB10073) are available from :

Defra Publications
Admail 6000
London SW1A 2XX
Tel: 08459 556000

2. Full details of the responses to the Lessons Learned recommendations are available.

3. The Defra website provides further details about ring rot at 

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